IFS Electronic Signature feature ("E-sign") - questions and answers
What is it? The E-sign feature is available from IFS Cloud 23R2 (Cloud deployment only, Remote currently not supported). At its core it's an integration between IFS Document Management ("Docman") and Adobe Acrobat Sign. In order to send a document for signing you need to first upload it to Docman, release it, and attach it to some screen/business object. For details on the process, watch the video linked below. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aed1j9VOPDU Agreements/envelopes When you send a document for signing to one or more recipients an "agreement" is created in Adobe Sign. The agreement acts like a container for the document and the list of recipients, and supports the whole flow from sending, signing and retrieving the signed document. As of 24R2, you can only send one document per agreement. An agreement in Adobe Sign is what other E-sign solutions sometimes calls "envelopes." IFS keeps track of every agreement that has been created and, to use a term that's more known and to kee