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Have you come across this error?

Sorry, there was an unexpected server error


Have you come across above generic error? If so how have your resolved it or is it still occurring intermittently? Let us know in the comments 😊


Note: This is a generic error message to which the cause could be in different product areas for which you need to analyze with further details. But here we want to understand how many of you faced it, resolved it or still undergoing with this error popup message.


Related error messages: 

Database error occurred. Contact administrator. Url:

Related KB Articles:


We have numerous instances of this error on multiple pages.  Some don’t allow continuing, some will allow continued access after acknowledging ok.  Many we have corrected by tracing the problem to either a missing column, an extra column in the table that wasn’t expected, or other errors related to a script for uplifting from V9 to Cloud.

Many times they are related to custom entities and attributes on the page, but as often it is standard information causing the issue.  In a handful of instances, we have had to create additional cases with IFS to investigate the problem.

I’m not sure what you are seeking with this question, but the frequency of this error with the upgrade we are working on and the significant difficulty to trace out the source of the problem has cost us hours to this point.  The generic error is completely unhelpful and the Cloud troubleshooting tools are not much better.

For my input, IFS needs to do a lot of work in this area yet to make the errors more useful to diagnose the problem.  That and the debug tools need to be significantly enhanced.

I have also seen this in many places but lately the errors have been reduced specially after 22R1. I got this now when pressing Migration Job History

Error is intermittent and sometimes it works, sometime it gives this error.


Hi @Yasas Kasthuriarachchi 

I have seen this previously and still it’s not solved.

Test plan -

  1. Create a new IAM client.
  2. Go to IAM client details, press Edit

error is in 22R1 SU 5




Hi All,
Thank you very much for the inputs so far. We have also communicated inputs to R&D.

HI @dsj since this topic is mainly concerning server errors as of now we will follow back again how we can help on client error situations. 

For currently identified solution for Server Error Situation in Aurena please refer to Master Article: 


Hi @Yasas Kasthuriarachchi ,


I had a case, and we were able to solve the issue. 


Compensation Page Does Not Load - Data mapping error due to type mismatch



