Wrong quantity, price amount and tax amount on some credit invoices Hi, We are experiencing wrong tax amount, quantity and price amount on some credit invoices( Project Invoice). Only a few invoices are prone to the error, which seems to be related to how IFS group all the lines together. More specific, it happens when project transactions on the original invoice are diveded into different lines, but with equal project id, sub project id, employee no, report cost group id, activity sequence, report cost code, sales price and some other fields. Then IFS will only put the transactions from the first line into the credit invoice, and then update all the correction project transactions regardless of which lines they belongs to. Lets say we have three different lines on an invoice which matches the criteria given above. We then select “Credit Entire Invoice” on the original Project Invoice, which will result in only one line on the credit invoice, ignoring the other two lines. Furthermore, the project transactions belonging to line two and three in project