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I had a request come my way and hoping for some guidance.  We have a new Controller here and he is wanting to utilize a corporate account reconciliation process.  This would involve exporting data daily from IFS in a certain format (see below).  I’m sure this is doable, but don’t know best way to do so.  First look seems like the External File functionality in Accounting might be a place to start.  Wondering if anyone has set this type of transfer up before and if I am on the right track. 

Thanks in advance!  We are on Apps8 sp1+


To integrate  we’ll need a trial balance and ledger transaction file published to a FTP directory daily. 

  • Text files
  • Pipe delimiter “|”
  • No column headings
  • Static filename (so data overwrites and doesn’t create new files)


Trial Balance- 13 months rolling periods including current month (include all accounts- even without activity and zero balance)

BU Name|Year|Month|Account|Account Description|Opening Balance|Net Activity|Total Debits|Total Credits|Ending Balance


Ledger Transactions- 3 months rolling periods including current month (depending on volume- exclude P&L accounts)(Doc and Local values are positive for debits and negative for credits)

BU Name|Doc Date|Posting Date|Doc Number|Doc Type|Year|Month|Account|Account Description|”D” or “C”|Local Amount|Line Refrence|Posted By|Doc Type Description|Doc Currency|Customer/Vendor ID|Doc Amount|



If you have in-house technical resources then I would recommend creating a PLSQL Package with a procedure that utilises the UTL_FILE Oracle feature.

Useful resources below:

I have an example that exports to CSV but not TXT, let me know if it will be of use.


