Simultaneous Sessions_Per_user Hi I was trying some troubleshooting, and changed a setting I obviously shouldn’t have. Due to most users having the “Oracle Profile” of “Default”, I thought it would be fairly safe to change this setting in our test environment: Short after, our test environment crashed. Trying the MWS scripts, I get: A small snippet of the logs: <Feb 28, 2020 8:06:17 AM CST> <INFO> <EXPMIGR> <MainServer1> <The server 'MainServer1' with process id 12596 is no longer alive; waiting for the process to die.> <Feb 28, 2020 8:06:17 AM CST> <INFO> <EXPMIGR> <MainServer1> <Server failed during startup. It may be retried according to the auto restart configuration.> <Feb 28, 2020 8:06:17 AM CST> <INFO> <EXPMIGR> <MainServer1> <Server failed so attempting to restart (restart count = 1)> <Feb 28, 2020 8:06:17 AM CST> <INFO> <EXPMIGR> <MainServer1> <Starting WebLogic server with command line: C:\EXPMIGR\wls_domain\EXPMIGR\bin\ifsStart.cmd > <Feb 28, 2020 8:06:17 AM CST> <INFO> <EXPMIGR> <MainServer1> <Working di