Yes, Your understanding is correct and ORACLE_ACCOUNT View is not the correct place to get your report to get list of users and their last login time.
You may try IFS Internal table FND_CLIENT_LOGON_TAB table and see whether you have a required details. But as i know when a user is logged on successfully this table gets the details and after log off the particular records get deleted automatically.
So you may can have your own details from using this table.
Kosala Sandaruwan
Hi Kosala,
Thank you so much for the quick reply.
I assume ORACLE_ACCOUNT gives correct login information for IEE client and MWO app?
With FND_CLIENT_LOGON_TAB we might have to get a copy of this table frequently to another table if we really need to track data. Anyway even in this table I can’t see web login is tracked.
Thanks & Regards
Hi Upekha
I just ran a similar test and can see the same issue you have. Also we run auditing on sessions, (dba_audit_session), and this also does not pick up logins from b2e. Interestingly I do not see any other login being used in place of this.
I will keep an eye on this post, to see what others say.
Hi Mike,
It’s interesting that b2e login can not even tracked through auditing on sessions.
Thank you for your input.
Hi Kosala
I run Fnd_User_api.Get_Last_Activity which gets last_login from table dba_users. It works for me and tracks logins for b2e users aswell. Maybe something to try.
select IDENTITY "Username",
DESCRIPTION "Description",
IFSAPP.Fnd_User_api.Get_Last_Activity(IDENTITY) "Last_Activity"
order by IDENTITY