serious issue with BPA/Workflow in 23r2? We have an issue with 23r2 and it seems like it’s connected to the BPA/workflow engine spinning off and cause odata user session hanging forever in active state and consuming cpu load.The Active sql session are running the belove sql. It dosn’t happen all the time but 10 - 20 times pr day. We have seen this issue now at 3 different production environment runing IFS 23r2s03 and su05 SELECT A.concat_order_refs, A.order_supply_demand_type_db, A.order_no, A.line_no, A.rel_no, A.part_no, A.contract, A.source_info, A.line_item_no, A.project_id, A.date_required, A.order_supply_demand_type, A.status_desc, A.qty_supply, A.qty_demand, A.qty_reserved, A.qty_pegged, A.projected_qty, A.plannable_qty, A.proj_not_res_qty, A.plan_not_res_qty, A.proj_not_peg_qty, A.qty_short, A.plan_not_peg_qty, A.proj_not_res_or_peg_qty, A.plan_not_res_or_peg_qty, A.co_plannable_qty, A.condition_code, A.project_name, A.sub_project_id, A.sub_project_description, A.activity_no, A.activity_description, A.activity_seq, A.