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Visibility of columns in list page for IFS Cloud

  • September 21, 2023
  • 9 replies


Please check the following column visibility experiment for the standard list page “/page/CustomerOrders/List” and maybe you can help me answer the questions I asked at the end of the post.

When I open the page in table view, not all columns are visible by default:

As an IFSAPP, I have set the B2bOrder attribute to “Column Visible”, “Default To Previous” and “Visible”,  but it is still not visible in the table view by default to IFSAPP and other users - see below. I have tried restoring the default table view settings and "Clear Mapping Cache", but it change.

As an IFSAPP in a global context, I added 2 columns at the end of the list in the table view:

The columns are visible to IFSAPP even after logging in again:

But when I log in as a different user, these 2 columns are not visible:




  1. What columns will be visible by default in the table view on a list page and what does it depend on?
  2. How can I make a column (which is hidden) visible to all users by default in the table view of a list page?

9 replies

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 172 replies
  • October 20, 2023

Hi @bartlomiej.pobocha ,

In lists, the default column order is saved in the personal profile of the each user (separately for both list view & table view). So when the column order is changed by adding new column via configuration or a core delivery, an end user cannot see it directly as the previously profiled ordering is used to dram the list/table view.

Here as you have done for the IFSAPP user, other end users should open their Table/List view settings and move those newly added column/s in to the visible columns section. Then their relevant profile entries will be updated and  will be able to see those columns in the list.



Hello @LakmaliRD ,

Thank you for your answer. What about default column visibility? For example, in IFS Cloud 21R2 for standard list pages, we have a lot of available columns but not all of them are visible by the default in table view and list view by the default:

page/CustomerOrderLines/List - 239 available columns

page/PurchaseOrderLines/List - 215 available columns

What is the rule that makes the same colums visible and some hidden by default?

Best regards



I would like to add the following to complement my previous statement:

1. Is it a specification that when a List with many columns is displayed in Table View, the number of columns displayed by default is limited?
2. If the answer to 1. is yes, how many columns are displayed by default?

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 172 replies
  • October 25, 2023

Hi @Rickard Staaf , Could you help with these questions on column visibility in the list?

  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 4 replies
  • October 25, 2023

For the default visibility in Table Mode, that is defined in the marble code by application developers, I believe it is the columnvisible property on each field that controls that.


Default visibility in List mode is based on the with of the screen (in discrete increments) and the fieldranking property in marble, which shows in which order fields should be added if there is room.


Both of these might be available in the page designer depending on Cloud version used.


Hello @Rickard Staaf ,

Thank you for answer, but it seams to not work for me - In the implementation of the list in the client file, I implemented all the "Columnvisible" properties with true, but the situation is still the same: there are columns that are hidden by default.

client file

Best regards


  • Do Gooder (Employee)
  • 4 replies
  • November 9, 2023

If that did not help, I have no idea.

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 17 replies
  • December 12, 2023

I would also like to know how many columns these lists views are limited to. On work tasks I attempted to reduce it down to columns we needed (47 columns) and it capped out at 40 columns. Is this limitation set somewhere? Is there anyway to overcome this? We are in 23R1.

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 1 reply
  • February 18, 2025


Is there still a limit of 40 visible columns in a list in table view?
Is there a way to change this limit programmatically?


Best regards 



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