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Shop order cost for DOP controlled (configured) part

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies


We are using an integration from our external configurator to feed the DOP structures with parts and routings. When looking at the Shop order costs for the DOP controlled parts they do not seem to follow the same logic as for the parts that are manufactured to inventory.


As an example, if the routing say 10 h for an operation and the worker is clocked in for 5 hours, we want production to get paid for 10 h, but being able to analyze the clocking to see that the worker did it in 5h. This works for regular shop orders, but for the DOP controlled, the Actual cost calculated is based on 5 h instead of 10.


Shop Floor Workbench is used for reporting the Shop orders. The checkbox “Default time to report” is ticked on Site. Anyone who knows what goes wrong?

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5 replies

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

How do you report the labor time and the quantities? There are several ways in IFS to do this (Shop Floor Workbench, Time Clock, Shop order Operations Reporting, Work Center Operations Reporting etc.)

If you report from shop floor workbench by first clocking start - stop giving 5 h, then approving the operations, the system will default to not report any additional time when approving the operation. Should work the same for all parts regardless of whether DOP or not.

Why do you want actual cost of 10h being booked if you actually just spent 5h to perform the operation? Doesn’t sound much of an actual cost to me then.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies
  • April 6, 2021

Thank you for your reply,

We normally report by using Shop Floor Workbench, (but sometimes me or some of the supervisors do the reporting from Operations Reporting). We report the same way for regular shop orders, but then we get the expected result.


As I have been thought, the tick-box on Site “Default Time to Report” is what controls that the remaining operation time appears by default in the Approve Operation dialog box.


How we choose to calculate “Actual cost” is a internal agreement of how the differences in time should be followed up and distributed. I agree that it might seem strange from outside, but for us it is the best fit at this time. 

Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

I can’t really explain why you have different behavior for a part depending on whether it is DOP or not. As mentioned, the expected standard behavior is that in Approve Operation the Report Time option is disabled by default if you have already clocked start-stop time on it. The site setting Default Time to Report control only if the time fields should be default as blank, or with the default time if you have the Report Time option selected (but it doesn’t control when this option is enabled by default).

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 12 replies
  • April 8, 2021

Thank you Björn, you seem to be right, we have the same behaviour for DOP/not DOP.

Do you have any suggestions  how we can work around it? The Report Time option you mention, where do I find that? Using SFW for start and stop to get clockings, but still having the full time reported?



Björn Hultgren
Hero (Employee)

I’m afraid I don’t see any way you could create start-stop clockings that does not report time, and then instead report planned time in standard IFS. There’s a setting on the work center that can enable you to report time when quantities are auto reported even though clockings exists, but what would basically double the time reporting as they come both from the clockings + the planned time then.

I think you’re best option is to create a modification that disabled the creation of time transactions when you stop a clocking. So the clockings are there, but then you anyway report standard times when reporting the quantities.

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