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Best way utilize IFS NCR for 8D method?



We are trying to find the best way to utilize IFS Non Conformance Report for working according to the 8D-method. This is standard in the automotive industri and we are obliged to document according to this method. Has anyone else done this and found best practice for this in IFS?

We are thinking of a couple of alternatives:

  1. Create one action in the NCR, then create/process one CAPA for this but it doesn´t cover all the 8 steps.
  2. Create 8 actions in the NCR to represent the 8 steps in the method. Create CAPA actions for step 3 and 5 in the method if necessary. (It is a lot of steps/administration to handle each action)
  3. Create one NCR with one Capa, then create 8 actions in the CAPA.

14 replies

Sidekick (Former Employee)
  • Sidekick (Former Employee)
  • 30 replies
  • December 9, 2019

Alternative 4: Develop a Configuration (Currently implementing)


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 9 replies
  • December 10, 2019

:relaxed:, yes thats always an alternative. Thanks for sharing the screendump. We will consider this. I think we would need to add a status on each step in the process and the person id for the responsible person. (We have the ambition to build a lobby page for the quality responsible at each department.)

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 61 replies
  • October 10, 2020

Hi @PEBUNL i decided to use your solution but i have some questions about this customize.

Hocan i seperate the customize processes and standart ncr processes, probably u seperated with non conformance code.

The other question about the status changes. Do you executive to standart status at the "Actions" tab?

Best regards.

Sidekick (Former Employee)
  • Sidekick (Former Employee)
  • 30 replies
  • October 13, 2020

Yes, exactly. We used a couple of codes to seperate internal, supplier and customer NCRs.

I don't know how Actions are managed at the moment because I am no longer in the project.

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 71 replies
  • October 19, 2020

We had the same issue (i.e. IFS NCR and CAPAs don’t follow the industry standard 8D approach).

We considered a Custom tab similar to that posted by PEBUNL , but ultimatly decided on a simpler way forward...

Our very basic work around was to create an 8D report in Excel, and save it as a template document in IFS Doc Man. We use a DocMan Macro so when a user create a new 8D report connected to an NCR, it auto populates some of the excel doc with data from IFS (e.g. the NCR number, date, etc).

We then update the Excel doc as we progress though the 8D process, and use a single action on the NCR to reflect the progress at a quite high level.

(i really wish IFS would provide an 8D solution out-of-the-box - maybe they’ll introduce it in a future version if enough users ask for it ;-)

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 9 replies
  • November 23, 2020


We solved this together with Addovation. 

We translated the steps in IFS to “rename” these. NCR step  1,2,3 became 8D steps 1,2 and 7 (These steps are handled by an Quality coordinator)

CAPA-steps 1,2,3,4  became 8D steps 3,4,5,6

(These steps are handled by the department were the problem occured)

Then we used the Addovation tool OAS to automatically put togheter a nice layout for an 8D-report.

See Linked in info about this

Do Gooder (Customer)
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 3 replies
  • January 9, 2021


we started to implement IFS and I thought it is state of the art to have an NCR following the 8D scheme. I saw it isn’t :-). The NCR in IFS is more like a collection of data in a confusing way just for documentation. I would really appreciate not to have an extra tab for 8D but to have a NCR that follows the 8D. Has all data fields for a 8D report. Can be populated and edit through the B2B platform by our suppliers. And at least has the current data fields on an extra tab :-) If you really need them after all this customizing. I don’t want to populate data twice only because I want to start a 8D. If I found a deviation that is big enough or to be worth to analyze and define preventive measurements and document them, I will start a whole 8D. Otherwise I will start a NCR with only 3 or 4D . So the NCR should be developed as a maximum 8D but should allow to use it as a small 3 or 4D. But you use the same standard layout everytime. And be able to send a 8D to other departments or suppliers with a standard layout.

The 8D tab from @PEBUNL is good point to start from.

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 77 replies
  • May 18, 2021

We are facing the same issue with 8D approach and by reading the different solution adopted, the use of a template document in DocMan, seems to be the easiest.

But I have limoted experienvce in Macro.

@RobinHunter , would it be possible to share the macro you created to populate the excel file ?


Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 146 replies
  • January 27, 2023

Hi @Peter Lundgren,

Are there efforts to include the topic of 8D reports in the IFS standard? As we see here, this topic is hitting practically every larger company. Currently, each customer makes its own configurations via NCR and/or CAPA. Inclusion in the IFS Standard would be greatly welcomed by all my affected customers, especially because it is a fixed norm vis-à-vis interaction with customers and suppliers. Thank you for the consideration.

Best regards,

Peter Lundgren
Hero (Employee)
MikeCH wrote:

Hi @Peter Lundgren,

Are there efforts to include the topic of 8D reports in the IFS standard? As we see here, this topic is hitting practically every larger company. Currently, each customer makes its own configurations via NCR and/or CAPA. Inclusion in the IFS Standard would be greatly welcomed by all my affected customers, especially because it is a fixed norm vis-à-vis interaction with customers and suppliers. Thank you for the consideration.

Best regards,


Hi @MikeCH ,

Yes, 8D reports are in our development backlog. It is definitely something that would improve the QM-solution in IFS Cloud. 

Best Regards

// Peter

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 77 replies
  • March 16, 2023

HI @Peter Lundgren 

Is the 8D report already included in a roadmap for the future or any idea on the release it will be implemented ?



Peter Lundgren
Hero (Employee)


Currently I have no more information about if and when 8D reports will be implemented.

// Peter

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 1 reply
  • August 12, 2024

Hello @Peter Lundgren,

Would you have any new information on when and if the 8D report will be implemented into IFS CLOUD, please?

Best Regards

Jakub Drizga


Peter Lundgren
Hero (Employee)
JakubDri wrote:

Hello @Peter Lundgren,

Would you have any new information on when and if the 8D report will be implemented into IFS CLOUD, please?

Best Regards

Jakub Drizga


Sorry, have no new information to share on if and when 8D reports will be implemented.


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