Hi David,
The Qty per Assembly and the Required Qty on the material lines are hard interconnected. So the value in Qty per Assembly multiplied with Lot Size (or Operation Qty) plus scrap must give the Required Qty.
So the important when splitting a material line to partly use an alternate component is to get a correct Required Qty, that can sometimes give a funny looking Qty per Assembly. Especially if the part physically cannot be handled in fractions
Anyway, what I think you may have to explain further is what problem this is actually causing? If you split the line with Required Qty 10 of part A to a Required Qty of 5 of part A and 5 of part B, that is the quantity you want, and will issue from stock, isn’t it?
Hi Bjorn, thanks for getting back to me. I read my original post and realised it was worded quite poorly. So, let me try again. Here is the example;
We have a manufacturing shop order, BIKE, Serial tracked, lot size=10. Three parts.
Part, Qty Per Assembly, Comp Qty Required
Frame, 1, 10
Wheel, 2, 20
Bolt, 1, 10 (lot tracked)
The Bolt has an alternate part setup in Part Master. so BOLTA and BOLTB are alternates.
At the start of the shop order we determine we only have 5qty BOLTA and want to use Alternate Component for the other 5qty. So, RMB on Material line, Alternate Component, Select, and input 5qty. Material line for BOLTA now reduces to 5qty req, however changes qty per assembly to 0.5. A new line is added for BOLTB, which is 5qty, also 0.5 qty per assembly.
Now, I understand that the material lines are used to show how much component parts needed to make 1qty, however I cannot split a bolt into 0.5.
I can issue 5qty of BOLTA into SO and then 5qty BOLTB into the shop order no problem. Then I need to define the “As Built Structure” as I have to be able to show what component parts are in each serial tracked. When I RMB in the SO to Tracking\Shop Order As-Built Structure and RMB on the Top Level Structure and select “Build Structure for All Parts” It will issue 0.5 to each of the serials. Since this part is not a fractionable part then this is not possible, so I need to remove the component part from the as built structure, so in this example, 10 x 0.5qty BOLTA and 10 x 0.5qty BOLTB.
Then add them back into the “As Built Structure for each serial” , however by default IFS will issue the total qty available of that component part so, in this example, I move over 5 to serial 1, then remove 4, then move 4 to serial 2, then remove 3, etc. then I need to repeat this for the alternate component part. For a lot size of 10 its not too bad, but quite painful.
Once this is done I can receipt in the serialized parts and close the shop order however I get this error message; “There are too few of tracked component XXX in Structure of parent serial/lot number 1 so that the receipt cannot be processed.
If I build the “As Tracked” structure by issuing 0.5 of a bolt to each serial for both the component part and the alternate component part then I can receipt the part.
So I guess the problem is I cannot report accurately the “as built structure” with alternate component parts in whole numbers.
I think that the only way to get around this is to split the shop order into the size of the alternate component and then replace all the component part with its alternate so its a 1 for 1 replacement.
Does that make sense.
Thanks David. that really narrows down to the actual problem your facing!
For the first problem, the effort required to create a correct as-biult that really reflects which parent you included BOLTA respective BOLTB I cannot see any easy solution to. In the end that must be a manual since system cannot know what component went into what parent.Splitting the shop order might be an idea as you mentioned. Site can also be configured to not auto-build the as-built so that you make sure someone really needs to to this job correctly not risking receiving the shop order with 0.5 of BOLTA and BOLTB in each parent.
Second problem is what really stops the process. Ideally the check verifying that enough of a component has been assigned to the parent should be more clever to handle the alternate component scenario, but there’s one work around you could consider if you run Apps 10. Then you can set the “Reserve/Issue Method” for the material line(s) to ‘Manual’. This will by-pass the validation and accept whatever has been assigned to the parent received. But do note that this also required the material lines to be manually reserved or issued to the correct quantities.
@david.harmer It might also be worth creating a support case to see if this check can be enhanced to allow receipt if the sum up the quantity for all material lines coming from alternate component replacement