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when i install ifs business reporter to any user it raises this error while running the report. 

sometimes it work but mostly user receive this error, specially with the user with fresh installation. 



when i install ifs business reporter to any user it raises this error while running the report. 

sometimes it work but mostly user receive this error, specially with the user with fresh installation. 




we have a similar issue. Did you manage to fix this?



Hi @yasirsardar,


Have you checked whether the users are having BA_USER permission set is granted to the referred users and with the activity 'ControlBiAccess'? Usually there are  two activities that should be granted, which are ControlBiAccess and ControlBrAccess. Incase if those permission sets are not granted kindly grant them and refresh the security cache to see if this issue gets resolved.


Please check the below resolved similar issue.


Best regards,


hi  You must grant below basic permission set to USER in order to run BR


