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Everything about the IFS 10 Lobby.

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Chamika Dilhani
Hero (Former Employee)


I have below questions regarding lobbies. 

  1. If we need to use more than one view in the data source designer,  are query builder and using IAL in SQL data source the possible options we have?
  2. Where can I find information about my elements?
  3. Brief about managing and installing lobby items.
  4. The location where lobby data source configuration files should be stored for source code management?

Appreciate your inputs on this regard.

  • Sidekick
  • September 28, 2021
Chamika Dilhani wrote:


I have below questions regarding lobbies. 

  1. If we need to use more than one view in the data source designer,  are query builder and using IAL in SQL data source the possible options we have?
  2. Where can I find information about my elements?
  3. Brief about managing and installing lobby items.
  4. The location where lobby data source configuration files should be stored for source code management?

Appreciate your inputs on this regard.


With the lobby, students have two different options in data design. 1 create the query with internal queries or create a single view of the entire query. There is a problem here. Even if the IAL is seen by the data designer, the fields will not come automatically. It will be played manually. The item will be present in the plan instance. IAL is a layer, but if there is a problem with your background work, can you finish the IAL to finish it.

I'll try to help you when you have problems.

Chamika Dilhani
Hero (Former Employee)
ADNAN wrote:
Chamika Dilhani wrote:


I have below questions regarding lobbies. 

  1. If we need to use more than one view in the data source designer,  are query builder and using IAL in SQL data source the possible options we have?
  2. Where can I find information about my elements?
  3. Brief about managing and installing lobby items.
  4. The location where lobby data source configuration files should be stored for source code management?

Appreciate your inputs on this regard.


With the lobby, students have two different options in data design. 1 create the query with internal queries or create a single view of the entire query. There is a problem here. Even if the IAL is seen by the data designer, the fields will not come automatically. It will be played manually. The item will be present in the plan instance. IAL is a layer, but if there is a problem with your background work, can you finish the IAL to finish it.

I'll try to help you when you have problems.

@ADNAN Thanks for the information. Would you mind answering the questions 2,3 and 4.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • September 28, 2021
ADNAN wrote:


You can ask anything you wonder about IFS 10 Lobby. I can answer any questions you may have about IFS 10 LOBBY. Element design, data design, where patterns, references, page creation, authorization, etc. I would be happy to help.

Hey, I want to know- how to create a new lobby element within a lobby?


  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • September 29, 2021


I created a Link List element and one of those had negative Cash value (example -1223939393.90) the lobby does not show the negative values. IFS 10 version. Here is my community forum link which is not solved yet. Appreciate if you can help with this. Link list -VE value not display


  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • September 30, 2021



option to add ‘Element’ is not visible.  Please see below as highlighted.


Chamika Dilhani
Hero (Former Employee)



option to add ‘Element’ is not visible.  Please see below as highlighted.



Hi @VIKASBISA , Try to drag and drop the selected element in to your lobby page area.

  • Hero (Partner)
  • October 12, 2021

I have a few questions regarding the lobby : 
1. I want to create a DataSource that will get me the name of all the customers and their last order number.
Since we will have to make a join, is it possible to do this with the "Query Builder"? Or do I have to go through the creation of an IAL?

2. I have created a "PIE CHART" element that groups customers by country: 

Under IEE, when I click for example on "FRANCE". I am redirected to the "Client" screen and the list of French clients is displayed. This is possible thanks to the "Use data source condition" box.
On the other hand, for Aurena, even if I check this box and I fill the field "Web access URL Address" in this way : 

I get this error: 

What do I have to do for the redirection to work in Aurena?

Thanks in advance ! 

  • Hero (Customer)
  • January 7, 2022


Hope you are doing good.

Question here. How the lobby page could be used with custom menu?


Thank you.

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • January 10, 2022

Hi Adnan,


Is it possible to create a calculation of  two or more fields in the lobby?


For instance :  Inventory value (1) ,    open supplier orders (2) ,  total  inventory exposure (1+2)





  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • February 23, 2022

IFS App10

Lobby in IFS IEE 


Lobby in Aurena same as in IEE but not translated, Why?



  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • May 4, 2022

Hello @ADNAN 
I’m a trainee systems engineer. there is a question. There are some lobbies which are available on the IE environment but are missing on Aurena environment. Example there is lobby called document management in EE

 But i couldn’t find lobby called “document management” in Aurena.

So how can i get this lobby into Aurena?
Thanks and Regards!

How do I lock lobbies down so people can’t edit them? I don’t mean “personalization mode”, which lets users modify a lobby to suit their taste. On the attachment, it’s the icon with the person and a small lock. I mean config mode, the icon that’s just a lock. I’ve looked through all the documentation and all it talks about regarding security on lobbies is how to give rights to the various elements on a lobby. I know how to do that. I cannot figure out how to prevent users from editing them in config mode. 

Superhero (Customer)

Hi @XitSakunE ,


Within Aurena interface if you navigate to the Document Management → My Documents screen IFS will display the lobby you are asking about within Aurena.  In IEE the Document Management lobby is now connected to the My Documents screen so it automatically is displayed.




William Klotz

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • May 26, 2022
william.klotz wrote:

Hi @XitSakunE ,


Within Aurena interface if you navigate to the Document Management → My Documents screen IFS will display the lobby you are asking about within Aurena.  In IEE the Document Management lobby is now connected to the My Documents screen so it automatically is displayed.




William Klotz

Thank you so much William for the support!
Best Regards,
Sakun Edirisinghe

Sorry wrong place. 

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • July 14, 2022

@ADNAN  can we present values on the top of bar in graph in lobby ?


  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • July 18, 2022

We have the due date and payment date in a query builder for some invoices. Is there a way to add a calculated field to show the number of days difference between the due date and payment date so we can present it on a graph in a lobby?  

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • August 4, 2022

I have a question regarding order by clause pass-through. In Apps9, when setting up a “counter” lobby element, it is possible to pass-through the where clause and order by of the data source element for navigation. That way, if a counter counts the number of requisition by a specific person, it is possible to click the element and list the requisitions from this person ordered by date.

However, it does not appear to be possible when navigating from a link list element, where only the data source condition (where) can be passed.
Is this something that IFS has implemented in future versions like 10, or cloud? or is the option available elsewhere?




Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • August 19, 2022

Hello All!

Why some counting numbers are showing on IEE but not on AURENA? It doesn’t happen on all AURENA servers but only some of them.

Thank for your help

Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • August 19, 2022

Those messages hab been generated by Aurena page

Application - Unable to initialize lobby element. Type=Counter, Title="<TITLE>"(298d553f-3cc7-43f6-812f-3b6abafaa09f)[object Object]
Application - Unable to initialize lobby element. Type=Counter, Title="NBR BT"(6fe17897-4131-4adb-930a-bd8561e355a3)[object Object]

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • September 27, 2022


Is there any IFS Aurena bug in the lobby “Sales Manager”? When opening this lobby in Aurena, it throws error but on IEE it works fine.

Error on Aurena​​​​​​

IFS version - 10 UPD10





Is it possible to change the colour of the bars of a ‘Bar chart’? 

The text colour and background colour can be changed. But couldn’t find any option to change the colours of the bars.



Sidekick (Partner)
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • June 29, 2023


Why sometimes the count number is not showing in an element list? Meanwhile the link is active on the text. It is the same on EE and aurenaV10.


  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • August 3, 2023

Does anyone know if you can have an element line graph with 2 y-axis values. 

Looking to compare say 2022 data with 2023. This would be in one Data Source with the Date held in a column.


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