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We have successfully deployed and populated the IFS Business Analysis Package OLAP cubes for IFS Apps 9 in a test environment. I found the Measures deployed within the Sales cube, which are based on the SUM aggregation, are not populating. However, I have confirmed there are Measures based on the SUM aggregation functioning correctly within the Manufacturing cube.

There is data within the Sales-related Data Mart SQL tables as well. I did try changing the data types on the SQL Data Mart table and in the Cube via Visual Studio, neither of which worked.

Has anyone else experience issues like this with the IFS OLAP cubes? Basically, there is data within the SQL tables but the Cube measures are not aggregating the SUM in the Sales OLAP cube.





I have seen some issue where cubes become empty due to empty Dm_Fact_Reporting_Currency_Rate table. Please check if that table has data. Also, make sure that you have setup all the configurations for lookups correctly according to

Nisansala, thank you for your response. I checked the tables and DW_Fact_Reporting_Currency_Rate and DM_Fact_Reporting_Currency_Rate are empty. The IFSAppl_FACT_CURRENCY_RATES_BI_OPT table has data, however. I am looking into the .dtsx packages to see where the problem is occurring. Have you experienced this before?

Nisansala’s response lead me to the correct solution, which was all related to Data Configuration within IFS application and the SSIS Configuration Tool. 

Specifically, some Data Mart Sources needed to be Activated and refreshed manually within IFS IEE after the initial installation. I also checked the settings for the SSIS Config Tool and noticed I had not correctly set up the Master Company within Reporting Currency Rate Type Lookup and Reporting Period Lookup.

I saved all changes and ran the ETL process again, which populated the Currency Rate tables and Sales cube successfully. Thank you again for your help!

