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I have an engineer who keeps getting the error message “Error Merging ModuleRefreshinfo undefined”.


The engineer is saying this appears every time he changes page or a process happens (receiving calls, stock movements etc). The engineer has to exit and then it disappears until he has to do another process.

Try a full uninstall/reinstall of the Astea Mobile Native App (that should get the latest version from the App Store), see if that helps.
Try logging in with the same tech credentials on a different mobile device temporarily...see if you can recreate it there or if it’s just on this one device.
Check the Operating System version and the Astea Mobile Native App version (download any updates if those are available and try logging in again after those are in place and see if you get different results).
If that doesn’t work have the tech turn on the Debug Logs on the mobile device (done via a Toggle in the Communication Diagnostics module), then screenshot any errors that popup automatically...then log a support ticket and attach those to the call.
