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Bad Metadata Error


We are receiving this error message from our environments.  We have done a Dictionary Cache Refresh but a deployment has not been done for 4 days.


Error stack:
Bad metadata error:
The group: CustomerOrderDeliveryGroup does not exist in dictionary!


We do our own deployments and develop in the Cust Layer just as FYI.  Did Refreshing the Dictionary Cache do something from our last deployment that caused this issue or how do these groups relate to the Dictionary



5 replies

Thirunavukkarasu Kapilan
Hero (Partner)

Kusal Gunathilake
Do Gooder (Partner)

Hi @Thirunavukkarasu Kapilan / @DHPCALBRECHT ,

I am experiencing the same issue with the Purchase Order Authentication Rule Window.

Error stack:
Bad metadata error:
The list: PurchaseOrderAuthorizationRuleProjectCategory1List does not exist
in dictionary!

The projection cash and meta data cash have been cleared as per Kapilan's reply, but still the issue persists. 

Are there any workarounds you've found?

Best Regards,
Kusal Gunathilake

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 7 replies
  • December 20, 2023

Hi, we experienced same issue when updating from 22R2 to 23R1.

The issue for us where that the “Solution Manager > Configuration > Page Configurations” was “Behind” in the “Base line Status” .

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies
  • February 8, 2024

Hi, We experienced the same issue with “Purchase Order Authentication Rule” window and in our case it wasn’t customized or had any configurations. So we redeployed the projection and client files related to that page and refreshed projection/client/metadata/dictionary and security caches. It solved the issue.


I encountered the same error. In my case, the problem was on the “Page Configurations” page, which was “Behind” in the “Baseline Status”, just like @community-tor’s situation.

Performing a rebase for the page resolved the issue.

Thank you, @community-tor.






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