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Removing installed parts



We are currently trying to figure out how to remove parts from a site. For instance if the site gets shut down, how do I remove all the parts using the mobile app? There is a remove parts screen, but nothing shows up.

The way we want it to work is have a task for the site and then select parts from a list to remove them.

Any help on this would be very much appreciated. 



In the mobile, remove part screen only allows you to remove parts listed under part needs in the task.

If you want to remove parts from a Location, you can easily do so from the Smart or Web Client. (eg: Stock Search Screen)




  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • May 30, 2022

@Dayan Wijesinghe

Thank you for the reply.

I think I should elaborate a bit more. I want to remove a product from a place. This place is a customer site. Installed products need to be removed from it. Currently I need to use a part to get to the disposition screen on mobile and on the smart client I cant get to the disposition screen without the part usage screen to disposition a part. I just want to remove a product installed from a place.

So I am not sure what the procedure is to remove products from a location and revert it back to a part and transfer it back to the warehouse. As an example, there are products installed at a site. The site gets decommissioned and we now need to get those parts back. 

Saranga Amaraweera

@Anjula Priyanath FYI

Kalpani Dissanayake
Superhero (Employee)

Hi @Fluffy 


In FSM, installed items are considered as products installed at customer sites and not tracked in the inventory. Hence, no installed product records have stock records in the FSM. What I would recommend is, you may create an RMA with the line type receive. Add the part id, receiving place and quantity to be received.

Then go to the receiving screen and add new record, mark the usability as usable and add all the serial ids to be received > post the receiving

As soon you receive the installed products, a stock record will be created for the warehouse that you received the items. Furthermore, in all the product records, Located at place will be changes to the warehouse.

Hope this may help

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • May 31, 2022

Thanx. I will try that. How would I do this on mobile?

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • May 31, 2022

@Kalpani Dissanayake

Also could you show a print screen of how the RMA should be set up please?

  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • May 31, 2022

OK. We figured it out. Simply put, adding serials under the request products tab populates the remove products list on the mobile screen “remove products”. Removing it like this will give an error if specific app params are not set up right.


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