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Workflow to perform checks on customer order release

  • March 13, 2025
  • 1 reply

  • Hero (Customer)
  • 56 replies

Hi everyone,

We have a number of PLSQL custom event actions and I’ve been investigating workflows as the route to replace these (see all the other debates about this!).

I have a validation workflow which works as expected when configured for updates on the CustomerOrderHandling projection.  If the user edits an order then the workflow correctly blocks the update.

 I actually want to block a customer order release so I added an event action to the standard IFS ORDER_RELEASED event

This doesn’t seem to be triggered (nothing shows up in the observations) and the background job completes successfully, releasing the order.

How do I configure a workflow to perform checks which might result in the need to block the release of a customer order?



1 reply


If observations are not captured, that usually means workflow is not triggered. Can you try adding a custom event and add the event action and try. Also you can use a projection action to trigger the workflow like this.



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