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How to remove a language from the list of Used Languages on the Build place

  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • 47 replies

Hi all,

We can add a language to the list of Used Languages and proceed with Sanity Build, Order Delivery, and installation at the Use place. My question is how to remove a language from Used Languages of Build place? Is there any way to remove a language from IFS Cloud? Thanks!



Best regards,


2 replies

Banu Liyanapathirana
Hero (Employee)

Hi @feng ,


Removing language translations are not exposed as end user functionality in LE portal because end to end removal functionality is not implemented in the IFS Cloud product. Removal includes removing applied translations from the database as well.
But in case you need to remove few language codes from the build place in order to get rid of from deployment/import errors, please follow the steps below.


  1. Navigate to the customer-solution repository
  2. Modify the fndbas/server/translation/translationusage.json file in the customer-solution repository

ex:- if you need to remove the language code 'zh', update the above-mentioned file below

"code" : "zh"
"used" : "false"
  1. Ask 'Cloud Automation' to commit same change to customer-baseline repository. Service account should be used for committing the changes.

  2. Ask 'Cloud Automation' to modify the table storage.

  3. Once the above activities are completed, the language codes will be updated in the LE portal and afterward, a new delivery can be generated.

note: for steps 3 and 4, you need to request it via a separate ticket.


Thank you,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Employee)
  • 47 replies
  • February 27, 2024

Hi @Banu Liyanapathirana 

Thanks for your quick reply.


Best regards,



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