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There was an instance it happened like from PURCHASE_REQ_LINE_CFV all the Grantees (assigned permission sets) were removed and It appeared back after some days.

We have tried to check the history log as it was enabled in Security_SYS_TAB and saw that the same permission sets were been shown as delete, and Insert in history type column.


What could be the reason for this kind of situation and how can we avoid this in future?


We suspected this could be because of the Network issue while deploying changes in the PURCHASE_REQ_LINE_CFV.


Appreciate Help and inputs on this.





Hi Amitesh,

Your request for help was posted incorrectly to the Alliance group. This audience would not be able to assist answering non-Alliance related questions.

I have requested this post to be moved to the correct group so you may get the help you need.

There’s two things that come to mind for me.
When you update a permission set, it doesn’t just change the delta on the database, it revokes everything and then grants the new set of permissions as defined in the UI. This would show up on the database history logging.
The other possibility is that because this is a custom view, one of the dependencies changed requiring the view to be recompiled. If there was a couple day gap, someone might have not noticed the invalid view and then it was then recompiled at a later date.
