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 I’m working with a customer where we want to make a change to SCIM_HANDLING_SVC


The default behavious of the SCIM AD Synchronisation is to automatically create a Person record with a User record using the same ID for the Person and the User - this isnt always the desired behaviour.


We want to make this optional based on a value thats synchronised from AD, which we’ve mapped at the Azure side.


Unfortunatley this package is delcared as final in the deploy.ini  



Which gives us the below error when trying to customise it in Developer Studio:


Component FNDSCM declared as Final (ot Overrideable). Therefore Cannot Customise


Is there a way to safley overtake this package and make the AD Synchronisation?





Hi @Mike.Hollifield 
One of our customers also raised this concern.
After investigating the request R&D framework team provided below clarification.

“FNDSCM is a framework component that should not be customized, as indicated by its implementation status as "Final." According to the framework's design, customization of this component is not possible.”

Best Regards


Hi @Mike.Hollifield 


I reported problem with creation Person through the SCIM synchronizatiion on one of my ticket. I have received message that it will be considered in 24R2.
