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How create Office and Washroom checklist in IFS system

  • 10 June 2024
  • 6 replies

How do we create a checklist of attached documents in IFS APP10

6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +18

@Patrick what exactly do you need?

Do you wanna replicate the excel files into a separate layout in IFS and then just print that out of IFS? What would be the value added that you will get out that? Usually, IFS Operational Reports are used to fetch dynamic data from IFS depending on which record is printed (Invoices / Quotations / Delivery Notes, etc). I personally wouldn’t see any value printing those cleaning templates from IFS compared to printing them on a regular printer.

On other hand, if you want just the ‘checklist’, you could create an approval template with a few steps to approve. That approval template could be attached to pretty much any object/record in IFS and the approval progress could be tracked easily. Is this what you would need?

You could read more on setting up Approval Templates in the link below: Approval Routing (

Userlevel 1
Badge +5

There is a need to incorporate offices and washrooms checklist in IFS System that is to minimize papers.

How do you create approval templates.

Userlevel 7
Badge +31


The documentation should cover how to create approval templates.

Userlevel 2
Badge +6


The documentation should cover how to create approval templates.

create approval template as per the hierarchy in Doc Basic window.



Userlevel 1
Badge +5

How do you create approval template?


Userlevel 7
Badge +31

How do you create approval template?


It should be explained in the documentation. Did you find it lacking? If yes, can you give specific examples?

Also, if you provide some screenshots of where in the application you have the need it can help us understanding better.
