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Does anyone out there know what the EXCLUDE options are when selecting parameters on setting up a scheduled Count Report task?  

I use the below as an example only.  We might want to exclude a particular Bay, Row, Tier etc 



… or a particular Location Group, Commodity Group etc...



Any thoughts appreciated.  





Don’t know if it is helpful or your question has been solved already. I would check if the items in the bay, row, tier can have a temporary field code (such as Commodity Group 2). If so, that can be excluded here.

I understand that this is wishfull thinking.

What about, go ahead without anyexcluding. In the count screen itself conditional formating can be turned on to highlight that the rows don’t have to be counted (and thus old value can automatically be set to new value).

A third option might be to use the view available for the count entry screen and build a quick report on it, but leaving out the bay, row, tier selection.



Thanks for your thoughts @eqbstal 


I’m not sure what you mean by “temporary field code”?  

Your conditional formatting will not work for us.  The count generates a printed document with a list of all the parts needing counting which is given to a Stores operative to go and complete the count.  This document obviously only needs to include the items he needs to count.

Re Your “report option" I think you misunderstand my question.  It isn’t that I don’t want to see Bay Row Tier fields on the count report I want to generate the count report based on EXCLUDING certain Bay and/or Row and/or Tier.  It currently seems as though you can only generate a count report INCLUDING certain Bay and/or Row and/or Tier.



