We developed few configurations on top of the IFS Cloud 23R2. The main area for the development was in the screen 'Equipment Object Navigator' (EquipmentObject).
In this screen we defined a couple of PERSISTENT custom fields which are to be used with the MWO . After the recent upgrade to IFS 24R1, we can no longer save any value on these fields (PERSISTENT custom fields).
However, we realised that when a insert or update goes for these PERSISTENT fields all default calls run. But, more they will update/insert a value to the child entities (EquipmentFunctional or EquipmentSerial) Custom field (if present with the same name).
Has anyone encountered this earlier or do you see any walk-around for this issue?
Did you solve this problem? I have the same after updating to 24R1 on Entity SupplierInfoGeneral.
Hi @Rafii ,
IFS accepted this as a core bug. They have a fix and it will be available in the upcoming updates 24.1.2 - 24R1 SU2 and 24.2E.0 - 24R2 EA.
We have installed 24.1.2 and this specific correction is included (CS0233813).
However, it doesn’t solve the problem with Entity SupplierInfoGeneral - we can’t update persistant fields. There are other entities with the same issue, for example CustomerOrderInvHead.
Some entities seems to work, for example SalesPriceList. Maybe they are of a different type?
I have looked through the fixed issue excel sheet and can’t see any fixes regarding this in any of the service updates.