I've recorded and edited an one on one session with permission from Lamont May who recently started with IFS and will be doing EAM training. If you follow this session, you should be able to set up EAM for a US company. It begins with thirty minutes of set up on the site, users, resources, and parts, then it goes into setting up equipment structure and objects for fifteen minutes (including technical characteristics which isn't really introductory training but is frequently asked about but ignored), then closes with setting up task templates and a generic PM Program for a piece of equipment.
I did notice I grabbed the wrong calendar on the site set up that needs generated in the database I was training from, so I suggest using the calendar labeled "5" which at this time comes out generated when delivered in RACE.
I guarantee you will learn more watching and trying to follow along with this video for just over an hour than you can learn anywhere else on how to get started in EAM in IFS Cloud.
Please feel free to give me any feedback.