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Is it possible to add a corequisite dependencies in the activity code ?
1/ If not, what could be the best way to add it directly whan a new service order is created ?
2/ If not, is it a small or big change management to add this setting in the activity code ?

Thanks and Regards


Hi Anthony,

What exactly do you mean by corequisite dependency and how this differs from pre-requisite dependency?

If you are talking about loading a set of activities when you first create the order, you can set up a service guide which can auto-load activities. The service guide can have filters for model and product.



For questions regarding difficulty to add as a custom change, etc. you should discuss with IFS Services raising a service request.

Hi Anthony,

I see a KBA (KB0072288) has just been created to cover co-requisites in service orders.  Perhaps this will help you with your questions.



I also found this Community link covering the same basic subject:

Co-requisite activities | IFS Community

Hi ​@Phil Seifert 
Basically, for dependancy we can have 3 cases  : Prerequisite, Corequisite (in the same time) and Successor.
I the activity codes transaction we can choose only : successor and prerequisite meanwwhile in the activity tab in a service order we have  3 options : co requisite, pre requisite, successor
I think we could have this option in the activity code transaction.


Hi Anthony,

This is a custom change as far as I am aware and I can’t myself indicate how much effort which means services should be looking at this with you for sizing, cost, etc.

That change would have to handle scenarios where any of the related activities would drive creating the other activities automatically defined as co-requisites for the activity.  You don’t know which activity will be populated first so it would have to work to avoid duplicate activities as each is created (or ending up in a loop).



Yes you can use a Problem code /service guide to create a SV with 2 activities, but they don’t have a link and you can shedule separately. If you use the DSE you can automatically schedule these activities on the same time.

