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Ifscloud r22.1.4 remote deployment Mtinstaller error installing ifsapp-amm

  • September 5, 2022
  • 4 replies

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 7 replies

Windows Management Server: Win 10

Middleware Server                      : Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server edition in VirtualBox VM

Database                                        : Oracle 19c on Windows



Explorative build on laptop to identify steps/procedures before On Premise/Cloud

Remote deployment of IFSCloud 22.1.4



Ifscloud r22.1.4 remote deployment Mtinstaller error installing ifsapp-amm.



Database created and configured per below guidelines

Run middleware installation through below step

PS C:\ifs\buildlocal\ifsroot\deliveries\build-home\ifsinstaller> .\installer.cmd --set action=mtinstaller



Veryfing required client and server software


[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: Remote solution logFileLocation added (C:\ifs\buildlocal\ifsroot\logs\ifscloudinstaller)

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: Remote solution configuration file found and is added (C:\ifs\buildlocal\ifsroot\config\ifscloud-values.yaml)

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: ======================

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: ACTIVE KUBECTL CONFIG

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: apiVersion: v1

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: clusters:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: - cluster:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:     certificate-authority-data: DATA+OMITTED

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:     server:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:   name: microk8s-cluster

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: contexts:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: - context:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:     cluster: microk8s-cluster

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:     user: admin

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:   name: microk8s

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: current-context: microk8s

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: kind: Config

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: preferences: {}

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: users:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: - name: admin

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:   user:

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO:     token: REDACTED

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: ======================

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - INFO: chartVersion not found in properties, using helmChartVersion: 221.4.0

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:49 IST 2022] - WARNING: Generating self-signed certificate. This will not be persisted.

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:50 IST 2022] - INFO: Generating symmetric-key. This will only be persisted if the secret, 'symmetric-key' does not exist.

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:54 IST 2022] - INFO: Installing ifs-cloud

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:54 IST 2022] - INFO: Using chart ifscloud/ifs-cloud --version 221.4.0

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:54 IST 2022] - INFO: Doing a dry-run ..

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:54 IST 2022] - INFO: Running helm upgrade

[Thu Sep 01 14:03:57 IST 2022] - INFO: dry-run succeeded

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:00 IST 2022] - INFO: Installing ifs-cloud

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:00 IST 2022] - INFO: Using chart ifscloud/ifs-cloud --version 221.4.0

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:00 IST 2022] - INFO: Installing ifs-cloud

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:00 IST 2022] - INFO: Running helm upgrade

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:33 IST 2022] - SEVERE: UPGRADE FAILED: failed to create resource: Deployment.apps "ifsapp-amm" is invalid: spec.template.labels: Invalid value: "6.000074739e+09": a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyValue',  or 'my_value',  or '12345', regex used for validation is '(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?')

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:33 IST 2022] - SEVERE: Failed to install ifs-cloud

[Thu Sep 01 14:04:33 IST 2022] - SEVERE: Failed to install ifs-cloud. Collected logs from command:

"ifscloud" has been added to your repositories

Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories...

...Successfully got an update from the "ifscloud" chart repository

Update Complete. ΓÄêHappy Helming!ΓÄê

INFO: Installing ifs-cloud

INFO: Using chart ifscloud/ifs-cloud --version 221.4.0

INFO: Installing ifs-cloud

INFO: Running helm upgrade

history.go:53: [debug] getting history for release ifs-cloud

upgrade.go:121: [debug] preparing upgrade for ifs-cloud

upgrade.go:422: [debug] resetting values to the chart's original version

upgrade.go:129: [debug] performing update for ifs-cloud

upgrade.go:296: [debug] creating upgraded release for ifs-cloud

client.go:173: [debug] checking 93 resources for changes

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for ServiceAccount "ifs-service-account"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifs-dcat-account"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifs-dcat-client"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifs-dcat-secret"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifs-storage-conn-string"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifs-tenant-id"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifs-jdbc-url"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "hl-api-key"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsadmin-pw"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsappmonitor-pw"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsiam-admin-pw"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsiam-password"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsmon-password"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsreadonlysupp-pw"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifssys-password"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "scimext-pw"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsadmin-user"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsapp-user"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsiam-admin"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsiam-user"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsmtxapp-user"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsmtxreport-user"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifssys-user"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Secret "ifsregistersecret"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for ConfigMap "ifsapp-amm-config"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for PersistentVolumeClaim "ifsapp-db-oradata"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Role "secret-access"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Role "jgroups-kubeping-pod-reader"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for RoleBinding "secret-access"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for RoleBinding "jgroups-kubeping-api-access-rb"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-amm"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-application-svc"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-busmod"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-client"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-client-notification"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-client-services"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-connect"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-doc"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-extensibility"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-iam"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-native-executor"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-native-notification"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-native-odata"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-native-server"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-odata"

client.go:194: [debug] Created a new Service called "ifsapp-powerbi-svc" in pw4uwyj

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-proxy"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-rem"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-reporting"

client.go:194: [debug] Created a new Service called "ifsapp-reporting-br" in pw4uwyj

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-reporting-cr"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-reporting-ren"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-rmpanel"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsapp-scim"

client.go:194: [debug] Created a new Service called "ifsapp-signing-service" in pw4uwyj

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifs-file-storage"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsmaintenix-appserver"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifsmaintenix-reportserver"

client.go:436: [debug] Looks like there are no changes for Service "ifs-virus-scanner"

upgrade.go:355: [debug] warning: Upgrade "ifs-cloud" failed: failed to create resource: Deployment.apps "ifsapp-amm" is invalid: spec.template.labels: Invalid value: "6.000074739e+09": a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyValue',  or 'my_value',  or '12345', regex used for validation is '(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?')

Error: UPGRADE FAILED: failed to create resource: Deployment.apps "ifsapp-amm" is invalid: spec.template.labels: Invalid value: "6.000074739e+09": a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyValue',  or 'my_value',  or '12345', regex used for validation is '(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?')

helm.go:94: [debug] Deployment.apps "ifsapp-amm" is invalid: spec.template.labels: Invalid value: "6.000074739e+09": a valid label must be an empty string or consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. 'MyValue',  or 'my_value',  or '12345', regex used for validation is '(([A-Za-z0-9][-A-Za-z0-9_.]*)?[A-Za-z0-9])?')

failed to create resource*Client).Update.func1





























SEVERE: Failed to install ifs-cloud

Best answer by RSAnil

Sajith D wrote:

@RSAnil have you tested by removing the “_” in the passwords? I’ve had issues with “_” in java processes previously so wondering that is causing an issue.


The issue was in the ifscloud-values.yaml global.customerId and global.customerCode.

They are alphanumeric and numeric values respectively,

values were reversed,

corrected it.

Now the invalid value error does not appear.

View original
Did this topic help you find an answer to your question?

4 replies

  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 427 replies
  • September 6, 2022

Hi @RSAnil ,

I would check whether your password for “ifsappmonitor-pw” has any special characters that are not supported. You can see the characters that are not supported in



  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 7 replies
  • September 6, 2022
Sajith D wrote:

Hi @RSAnil ,

I would check whether your password for “ifsappmonitor-pw” has any special characters that are not supported. You can see the characters that are not supported in



Including in-line ifscloud-values.yaml, pwd is litereally simple,

not sure where it is failing.

Got into the habit of quoting passwords,

as i had run into issue with helmPwd starting with a special character.


#chart: ifscloud/ifs-cloud  
#chartVersion: ~221.0.0  
helmUser: ale-XX
helmPwd: 'XXXXX'


logFileLocation: ..\..\..\logs\ifscloudinstaller  

  namespace: ifsrs  
  customerCode: XXXXX  
  environmentType: dev  
  replicas: 1
  systemUrl: ifsrs.local
  # Always append a trailing slash!  
    username: ale-XX
    password: 'XXXXX'

      name: ifs-jdbc-url  
      name: ifsiam-admin-pw  
      data: 'Simple_12345'  
      name: ifsadmin-pw  
      data: 'Simple_12345'  
      name: ifsiam-password  
      data: 'Simple_12345'  
      name: ifssys-password  
      data: 'Simple_12345'
      name: ifsappmonitor-pw
      data: 'Simple_12345'
      name: ifsmon-password  
      data: 'Simple_12345'
      name: ifsreadonlysupp-pw
      data: 'Simple_12345'

  accessLogEnabled: false  
  replicas: 2   

   replicas: 0  

  ifsappPassword: 'Simple_12345'  

  • Superhero (Employee)
  • 427 replies
  • September 7, 2022

@RSAnil have you tested by removing the “_” in the passwords? I’ve had issues with “_” in java processes previously so wondering that is causing an issue.


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 7 replies
  • Answer
  • September 8, 2022
Sajith D wrote:

@RSAnil have you tested by removing the “_” in the passwords? I’ve had issues with “_” in java processes previously so wondering that is causing an issue.


The issue was in the ifscloud-values.yaml global.customerId and global.customerCode.

They are alphanumeric and numeric values respectively,

values were reversed,

corrected it.

Now the invalid value error does not appear.


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