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The challenges with size on IAL's and Quick Report time issues


One of our customer has a requirement for a huge business report (56 columns of excel BR report) and they prefer creating information sources from IAL's. For me the challenge is the limit of 4000 characters on the IAL . In fact we need at least 32000 limit to make a meaningful IAL. Right now I have to split the IAL's into 13 parts and then I have to create one final IAL by calling that columns. The whole process become cumbersome , difficult to maintain the code and do changes. I know IFS decided to depreciate the IAL use but please suggest alternate. 

Meanwhile I created a Quick report to at least test the IAL data. My challenge here is that the report is timing out since it only runs for 300 seconds and error's out. Being a technical person I am worried about the complexity of working in Cloud. Please guide me what are the best options available for creating customized Business Report on  the cloud installation is below.  Also wish to know what could be the LINK to be provided in IFS BUSINESS REPORT EXCEL LOGIN. 

Quick report error below. 

Operation did not complete in the expected time (300 seconds).

        Date = 2022-05-09T14:20:18.898Z
        Request Id = N/A
        Client version =

Best answer by MiLeNL

rakpadma wrote:

Hi Tracy

Thanks for the update. However customer insisted on IAL creations. will you or some one help with the other issues I mentioned above. I also have one more question.

How do we provide permission grants to those NEW IAL's that i created for users?.   


If possible can i request IFS to consider increasing the IAL size to 32000. I think it should not be that difficult to do that. Thanks


As a workaround, it is possible to change the IAL file with the large IAL statement. Then you will be able to deploy an IAL up to 32000 characters. It's a cloud limitation to only show/enable 4000 characters in the client. 


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To address the IAL character limit issue -

Try deploying the complex code as a view using IFS Developer Studio, then your IAL could be simply:

select * from my_complex_view

Of course if your code is so complex that it times out, then you may have bigger issues...

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 10, 2022

Hi Tracy

Thanks for the update. However customer insisted on IAL creations. will you or some one help with the other issues I mentioned above. I also have one more question.

How do we provide permission grants to those NEW IAL's that i created for users?.   


If possible can i request IFS to consider increasing the IAL size to 32000. I think it should not be that difficult to do that. Thanks


@rakpadma - The solution I suggested will still yield a viable IAL that the customer can use to create a QIS.

If you stay with the 13-part IAL solution, then I’d test it by scheduling the last IAL you created that brings all of the data together and see how long that takes as a background job.

You should find an IAL tab in the permission sets to do the user grants.

It’s possible that you’ve already seen this, but if not, it’s a good read for your situation.





  • Hero (Partner)
  • 100 replies
  • Answer
  • May 11, 2022
rakpadma wrote:

Hi Tracy

Thanks for the update. However customer insisted on IAL creations. will you or some one help with the other issues I mentioned above. I also have one more question.

How do we provide permission grants to those NEW IAL's that i created for users?.   


If possible can i request IFS to consider increasing the IAL size to 32000. I think it should not be that difficult to do that. Thanks


As a workaround, it is possible to change the IAL file with the large IAL statement. Then you will be able to deploy an IAL up to 32000 characters. It's a cloud limitation to only show/enable 4000 characters in the client. 


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Hi MiLenL 

Thanks a lot for the clarification and for sharing the document that provides valuable information. I appreciate your help on it. 

I could not understand the statement you marked on IAL picture that says  “For Longer statements edit the file  and use the possibility to load  it”

How to do this? is it possible to show me an example?

  That would be really helpful to have one single IAL if I understand to fit the large size into one IAL  by editing.  

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 100 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Quite simple;

Create a statement which fits (or just use a template IAL fie if you already know what you are doing)

Maxed out statement.



Save the file

Saved IAL file



Edit the file to exceed 4000 characters.

Edit IAL file


Deploy the IAL file

IAL Deployment



Now you've deployed a statement which exceeds the 4000 character limit.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Oh OK so you are editing the IAL file using the developer studio not on the cloud (front end screen). Is that correct?


  • Hero (Partner)
  • 100 replies
  • May 11, 2022

I'm using Notepad++. But you can use any program which can open text files (that's basically what the .ial file is). No need for developer studio for this. 

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Oh NO my question is you are editing it using notepad++ but coming to re deployment how are you doing it.

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 100 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Using the IAL Object window in Cloud.


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 11, 2022

Ok Got it. Thanks I will try this. Appreciate your time and help. 

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 13, 2022


I tried the LOAD  option of the existing IAL  by squeezing the long SQL statement into a single line but still the client truncates the code  i guess since I cannot see the loaded code,   Here is the error i get when I click on DEPLOY. 

I ran the query in pl/sql to make sure there is no syntax error as seen below. execution is taking long time though. 

Can you kindly answer the remaining questions i have.

Quick report is getting aborted it query  exceeds 300 seconds, 

Need help to know how to give permissions to newly created IAL's in CLOUD. 

in IFS BUSINESS REPORTER (EXCEL ADD ON) what is the  link we have to provide for opening the IFS CLOUD application access. 

Thanks in advance. Appreciate your guidance

  • Hero (Partner)
  • 100 replies
  • May 16, 2022


It's true you will not see the complete statement when deploying. However, there shouldn't be an error during deployment. What did you adjust in the IAL file itself? Note that it does not need to be one line. It can actually be a formatted SQL Statement. As long as it does not exceed 32.000 characters.

IAL permissions is not present in the cloud as far as i know. Probably because IFS has decided to take it out in the future. Not sure what the plan is regarding IAL's… Without it it will be hard to configure information sources.

Your select statement actually is taking quite some time. Isn't there  a way you can optimize it?

In BR you just give in the base url of IFS. e.g.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 33 replies
  • May 16, 2022

Hi MiLenL

I removed the spaces to make it single line code. Unfortunately IAL screen does not display the code so i cannot prove it that is doing as you suggested. 
Meanwhile regarding BR excel login i tried as you suggested but i get the following error. I can use the same link on EDGE to open the client screens


  • Hero (Partner)
  • 100 replies
  • May 16, 2022

Think you need to make sure you are using the correct version of BR for the target environment which you are trying to connect to. Best to use the add-ons section of the target environment and install the BR client from over there. If you already have BR installed from another environment, uninstall it first.

  • Sidekick (Partner)
  • 65 replies
  • August 9, 2023
rakpadma wrote:

One of our customer has a requirement for a huge business report (56 columns of excel BR report) and they prefer creating information sources from IAL's. For me the challenge is the limit of 4000 characters on the IAL . In fact we need at least 32000 limit to make a meaningful IAL. Right now I have to split the IAL's into 13 parts and then I have to create one final IAL by calling that columns. The whole process become cumbersome , difficult to maintain the code and do changes. I know IFS decided to depreciate the IAL use but please suggest alternate. 

Meanwhile I created a Quick report to at least test the IAL data. My challenge here is that the report is timing out since it only runs for 300 seconds and error's out. Being a technical person I am worried about the complexity of working in Cloud. Please guide me what are the best options available for creating customized Business Report on  the cloud installation is below.  Also wish to know what could be the LINK to be provided in IFS BUSINESS REPORT EXCEL LOGIN. 

Quick report error below. 

Operation did not complete in the expected time (300 seconds).

        Date = 2022-05-09T14:20:18.898Z
        Request Id = N/A
        Client version =



hope you are well. Did you ever receive a fix for this? 

exceeds 300 seconds




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