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Aurena Freight Tracking from Customer Order

  • October 20, 2020
  • 8 replies



Hopefully this will be quick question.
Is there a way to see ‘Freight Tracking’ info in Aurena from Customer Order Page.

‘Freight Tracking’ is a tab in IEE on Customer Order Page. I seems to cannot find a way to see it from Customer Order screen in Aurena, it is not in ‘related Pages’ too..        it says ‘no recommendations available’

I know we might be able to do it as custom menu and make it available on the Customer Order Page down the road. But we are wondering how IFS recommend or may be we are missing something…



8 replies

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • October 22, 2020

Is there a way to create a jump from Customer Order Page to Freight Interface, in Aurena… using related pages.  Any documents

paul harland
Superhero (Employee)

I’m afraid i can’t find a recent environment with freight installed, so i can’t check this immediately.

If you go into page designer, on the Customer Order page, go down to the all elements section and see whether there’s a List element called “FreightSomething”.  If so, you might be able to add it to the Page Design.

See technical documentation on Aurena Page Designer for details.

You can certainly do a Custom Command (jump/menu) that will take you to the Freight page as it is, filtering by the order number.  This would be a custom command of type “Navigation Link”.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • October 23, 2020

Thanks @paul harland Aurena is so buggy for us yet. i cant even open a customer order yet. i was thinking in the same lines… there must be a way to easily jump to that page or add it to the related pages.

  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • October 25, 2020


I am able to create a Navigation Link from ‘Customer Order’ Page to ‘Freight Interface Customer Order’ by mapping order number as parameter in both forms.
when i click on the ‘Freight Tracking’ menu after saving and publishing it, it jumps to the ‘Freight Interface Customer Order’  page but did not display related info instead gives a Server Error. Can someone point is this a bug in UPD9 or something wrong with mapping..?

I tried to create this navigation link without providing any Navigation Filter still has the same error..




Something to have a look at to troubleshoot would be the navigation URL being created by your custom navigation link, and try a normal search on that form for the customer order no and compare the parameters of the two. If the parameters are the same, then it might be an error generated by something else and might be worth raising a case for investigation.


Unfortunately I’ve not got access to an UPD9 race environment with this Freight Interface page, so I’ve used customer order types as an example. In this case the test navigation link I’ve created is forming a filter argument for OrderId and if I manually search on this page for ‘SEO’ the filter argument looks the same. 

If you copy either URL (from a normal search on that page, or from your custom navigation link), you should just be able to paste it into another browser page (with just the filter, ie: ‘<environment>/main/ifsapplications/web/page/CustomerOrderTypes/Form;$filter=OrderId%20eq%20'SEO'’) which should open the page. Hopefully there’s something different between the two URLs that can help you amend the navigation link - because otherwise it’s likely requiring a case for investigation on why the page is erroring. 


Where you’ve tried it without a filter, that may indicate something else is the issue, but maybe comparing the URLs will help - always worth a shot!


Hope this helps,


  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • October 28, 2020

Thanks @Marcus.Dinsdale  Appreciate your help. I am able to compare URL’s and both filter looks different in direct search and via Navigation Link.
I try to create couple other Navigation Links from Customer Order Page to Customer and from Purchase Order page to supplier , i see the same difference in Filter and get same ‘Server Error’. Direct search looks like a range, not sure how to fix this.

Here are screenshots and actual links:

Direct query on 'Freight Interface Customer Order' main page


Navigation Link Jump from Customer Order Page

any input will be helpful.



No worries mate, I love a good bizarre problem!


So something that stands out is that the navigation link jump is using ORDER_NO and the direct query is using OrderNo. Given the error message isn’t very helpful, I’m wondering if it’s falling over on ORDER_NO just not existing as a field because the form uses OrderNo.


So just to test something out, when you’re at the section after you define the navigation parameters, could you change the ‘ORDER_NO’ before the ‘eq’ to ‘OrderNo’ and testing that.


I think it’s worth raising a case at this point anyway, but I’m hoping that a manual tweak will get it working ‘for now’.




  • Author
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 105 replies
  • October 29, 2020

Thanks @Marcus.Dinsdale  appreciate your continuous help. I can’t edit this Filter fields. Will open a case with IFS.

Also is there a way to Edit existing Navigation Link Filters.. At present, every time i have to delete the command group and recreate to test anything new in the Navigation Link Filter.


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