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Wrong tax amount for project invoice when correction transactions are included

  • February 17, 2020
  • 3 replies



After migrating from Apps8 to Apps10 we are experiencing some problems with tax amount in project invoice and in GL Voucher. In spesific, we found out that tax will not be updated if the checkbox "Preliminary Update Allowed" in project invoice lines is not checked, which is set automatically and is not editable. In apps8 this was not a problem. Is there any changes in Apps10 we should be aware off? We see that if we create correction transaction in project transaction it automatically set "Preliminary Update Allowed" to unchecked. 

We also not noted that if we use the function “Create Correction Transaction” in project transactions and change information on project transaction with Correction Status “Correction”, this is not reflected in Project Posting Analysis and GL Voucher when transactions are booked in GL Voucher. An example is that we correct hours and change the number of hours for project transaction with Correction Status “Correction” and the cost for the original number of hours are book in GL Voucher. In Apps8 it was not allowed to change most of the information when using this function. 



3 replies

Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 439 replies
  • March 11, 2020

To clarify - are these customer invoices or supplier invoices?  Are these migrated projects or new V10 projects?



  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 8 replies
  • March 13, 2020


Thank you for your response.

Some of the project might be created in Apps8 and then migrated, but we know for a fact that the problem occurs in projects created in Apps10 as we have a particular example.

This is customer invoices.


Hero (Partner)
  • Hero (Partner)
  • 439 replies
  • March 16, 2020

From my understanding, when the ‘tax control’ was separated in IFS10, it changes the way the system handles tax.  It could be a few settings that would not have been available in prior versions.  A few that come to mind …

On the Company/Tax Control/General, have you selected the checkbox to make the tax percent editable?  

There are also tax options on the Company/Tax Control/Invoice tab you may want to test.  

You should be able to control the GL by altering the correlated posting control or project re/pre-posting.

You may  have already explored the above options.  Let me know if you have and still need more ideas.  I can continue looking at basic data.





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