Hi Community,
I have a purchase order report, which i will use the same layout for “Print Order” and “Print order Changes”.
In my report I have differentiated with adding a Visibility condition

Now, when I do “Print Order”, the fields, MANUF_PART_NO, SUPPLIER_PART_NO AND TAG_NO should get printed.
and when I say Print Change Order, the fields, New_Manuf, New_Supplier, New_Tag should get printed in the report.

The existing visible condition for “Print Order” which I already have in the layout for Manuf_Part, Supplier_Part and Tag_no is
“string-length(tns:PART_NO) > 0 and (../../tns:PRINT_PRICES_INCL_TAX = 'N') and tns:DISPLAY_LINE = 'TRUE' and (../../tns:USE_PRICE_INCL_TAX != 'TRUE')”.
Now I have included the fields, New_manuf, New_Supplier and New_Tag in the layout.
How Should I add the visible condition to the new fields so that it will be only visible when I do “Print Order Changes”.
