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Tip: Using POSTMAN to test IFS Webservices

  • November 3, 2019
  • 8 replies

Superhero (Partner)
  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 828 replies

Postman is popular as a REST client but it works really well with SOAP requests as well and can be used to test IFS Web Services/BizApi requests.

Hope following guide will help if anyone is interest in using Postman as a SOAP client for IFS integrations.

Postman can be freely download from here.

Following steps show how to make SOAP requests using Postman:

1. Create a new Request

Give the SOAP endpoint as the request URL

  • Apps 10: https://<APP_SERVER_URL>:<PORT>/int/soapgateway
  • Previous IFS versions: http(s)://<APP_SERVER_URL>:<PORT>/fndext/soapgateway

Set the request method to POST.


2.Set Auth Header

Go to the Auth Tab,

Select Type as Basic Auth

Type IFS username and password to be used for the integration


3.Set SOAPAction Header

Next step to add the SOAPActin header, which is required by IFS SOAP Gateway to identify incoming message as a SOAP request

  • Key = SOAPAction
  • Value =






Asynchronous- suffix the header with /post





4.Adding body

Go to the Body tab, select Type as raw - XML

Put the SOAP message.

* You can generate sample request by using following format in a web browser or can view from Interface browser



That’s basically what you need to create a SOAP request using POSTMAN. Have fun and post your comments!


More detail about IFS SOAP can be found in F1Doc




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8 replies

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 1 reply
  • June 8, 2020

Hi Damith,

I’m trying to test calling a custom API with a SOAP message. 

As I’m therefore not using a BizAPi or Handler, how would I go about testing this?

This is a new area to me so any advice would be brilliant!!


Superhero (Partner)
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  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 828 replies
  • June 8, 2020
RyanIbbitson wrote:

Hi Damith,

I’m trying to test calling a custom API with a SOAP message. 

As I’m therefore not using a BizAPi or Handler, how would I go about testing this?

This is a new area to me so any advice would be brilliant!!



Hi @RyanIbbitson ,


Can you please explain what you meant by custom API?

Is it a PL SQL method which you intended to call via a routing address (valid for App10) or any other business flow?



  • Do Gooder (Partner)
  • 7 replies
  • December 15, 2020

Hello Damith,

i just heard from someone of the IFS stuff, that for BIZAPI’s like ReceiveEInvoiceService:ReceiveEInvoice, which are setup with a transformator between the inbound message and the BIZAPI, the sample request  https://<APP_SERVER_URL>:<PORT>/int/soapgateway?handler=<Handler_Name>&op=<Operation_Name>&type=xml_request  is just showing the message after the transformator. Can you confirm this ?


And according to this person there is no way to know how the message should like before the transformation, except of digging through the source of the transformator and search for the mapping of all C00 / N00 and similar fields

Superhero (Partner)
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  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 828 replies
  • December 16, 2020
Michael45678 wrote:

Hello Damith,

i just heard from someone of the IFS stuff, that for BIZAPI’s like ReceiveEInvoiceService:ReceiveEInvoice, which are setup with a transformator between the inbound message and the BIZAPI, the sample request  https://<APP_SERVER_URL>:<PORT>/int/soapgateway?handler=<Handler_Name>&op=<Operation_Name>&type=xml_request  is just showing the message after the transformator. Can you confirm this ?


And according to this person there is no way to know how the message should like before the transformation, except of digging through the source of the transformator and search for the mapping of all C00 / N00 and similar fields


Hi @Michael45678 ,


yes, ReceiveEinvoice has a generic format for receiving invoices and it need basic data setup in IFS and as well as knowledge of each field definition to set it up correctly. 

There’s no real ‘transformer’ between the incoming message fields and IFS fields and it’s done in the PLSQL logic. If you are curious about the code, receiving invoice process starts from INVOICE_TRANSFER_API.RECEIVE_INVOICE:wink:




Superhero (Customer)
  • Superhero (Customer)
  • 318 replies
  • December 18, 2020

Thank you :relaxed:

  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 4 replies
  • April 22, 2021

Can you provide the same type information for the REST API functionality? I’ve been trying to setup Postman and so far I’ve not been able to gain a token even though I have the client Id and secret.



Can we generate the token from Postman by providing the IFS details? what could be the Access token url from where we can authorize the generated token??

Superhero (Partner)
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  • Superhero (Partner)
  • 828 replies
  • September 12, 2022
Rakeshrakhi2817 wrote:

Can we generate the token from Postman by providing the IFS details? what could be the Access token url from where we can authorize the generated token??


Yes, it’s possible to get the token using postman. Please refer following posts on how to do that

How to set up POSTMAN tool with oAuth2 authorization when invoking Rest API | IFS Community






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