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Hi All,

There is a Maintenance Purchase Requisition with status Closed including 13 lines. (same part, same qty with different task numbers)



The linked Purchase Requisition and Purchase Orders has 36 lines relevant to this MPR. 

The system does not allow to delete lines from MPR after creating the PO & also before creating the PO, if you delete a line from MPR same line will be deleted from the PR.


In such instances, how can these scenarios be created within the IFS? Is this being a bug in the 22R2?


Appreciate your thoughts. Thanks.

@HoiLakshG Is it possible that the MPR lines were transferred to an already existing PO (same supplier/address/currency), therefore you see more lines in the PO?

Hi @Marcel.Ausan 

Yes, this is possible. The PO includes lines originated from several MPRs.

But assume my MPR number is X including 10 lines but navigate to the PO and query from my requisition number X, then lines show more than 10. (same issue for the PR - X; it includes more than 10 lines)


My concern is how does the MPR includes a less number of lines than PR & PO.


There could be other MPR’s on the PR/PO as you have the option to add lines while creating to existing purchase orders.
