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I’m trying to scan Barcode ID when identifying multiple serials during reservation and picking on a shipment.

The problem is that after first scan and choosing Next, IFS Cloud does not bring you back to the scanning field. You need to manually click in the scanning field to continue. This means you cannot scan multiple parts without having to operate the keyboard also. Not very efficient.!

Any ideas on how to do this is highly appreciated.

Hi Geir,


I might be wrong but I think most customers that scans in multi serials thru this client are not using the Barcode ID option since that would require to first create inventory part barcodes for all serials, instead they just create simple barcodes that only contains the serial number. Then they use the list inside this assistant to scan in all those serial numbers one after another.

In previous app version when we used the IEE client back in apps8-10, you needed to configure your scanning device to send a TAB-character after each barcode scan, since that would trigger a new line in the list so you scan the next barcode into the new line in the list.

I know last summer there was some framework changes to make it possible to have something similar in the Cloud version where you set your device to send alt+N after each scan, it would then trigger the same creation of a new/next line so you could scan in multiple serial barcodes. And that was made possible in this client also for at least 23.2 and 23.1.3 releases of Cloud.


I don’t know much about that Barcode ID option since I didn’t even knew it existed until yesterday, if I would guess I think that is some old variant of scanning multi serials by using our inventory part barcode, but since its been implemented inside an assistant, I’m not sure how easy it can be to control and set the focus on the field again after Next have been pressed/triggered.

Yes if press Next button you loose the focus, if you press Enter button instead which seems to trigger Next (I’m not 100% sure about that) you are still in the field, but in the end of the string so you have to go the beginning or remove the old barcode first. 

This seems to be slight different to how this worked in the old IEE client back in apps10 from what I can see, then when you press Next it focus the field and the entire old string so you can override it with a new scan, so that is the only difference I can see how they worked before and now.


