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mWO Service - Custom Attributes in My Work & Work Details



Can we include custom attributes from JtTask entity to ‘My Work’ and ‘Work Details’ screen in mobile? 

  • The ‘My Work’ screen has ‘JtExecutionInstance’ as the entity. I updated the entity to ‘JtTask’ and was able to add custom fields. But the data is not reflected in mobile.



  • Similarly, I added custom attributes to ‘Work Details’ screen but unable to view the data.

When I check the database viewer in mobile, I can view the values for these fields. Is there something that I’m missing that the values aren’t reflecting in the screens? Please advice.

Kind Regards

Priyanka Cecilia

5 replies

Alexander Heinze
Superhero (Employee)

Did you add your custom attributes to Solution Manager>Aurena Native Apps>Configuration>Entity Details?


Hi @Alexander Heinze,

Yes, I’ve added the attributes in Entity Details. I believe that is the reason, I’m able to view the values in Database Viewer in mobile.


Kind Regards

Priyanka Cecilia


@Alexander Heinze, I was able to identify the 2nd issue I raised in Work Details screen. I’ve missed to add the Binding information for the Group I created. But this leads to my next question. When I open the Work Details screen in mobile, it shows the ‘Save’ and ‘Cancel’ button even if I do not make any update.

I assume this is because I created news groups (General and Details) with JtTask as entity?

Also, my 1st question in the initial post remains the same. I’m still unable to view the value in ‘My Work’ screen. Any inputs would be appreciated.


Kind Regards

Priyanka Cecilia

Hero (Employee)
  • Hero (Employee)
  • 169 replies
  • August 3, 2023

Hi, In mobile work order we read Jttask records from a view called Jt_Task_Mob_All. So you need to connect the Cf under additional views as below. Please check whether you done that.




Hi @Bandula,

Yes, I’ve selected that option in Entity Configuration for JtTask.

Kind Regards

Priyanka Cecilia


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