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Hi All,

I have introduced a new custom tile to IFS MWO Service via a modification.
I would like to position this tile as the last tile of the page but I cannot.
Tried with sortorder = 9 and sortorder = 15 but looks like FW does not care about sortorder in the Navigator entry and it positions the tile as fifth tile.
Any thoughts on how to change this tile position?


Do you get the correct order in the web if you open this from the page designer section? 

 @DanMeza can answer this from the mobile client side


If you mean
Solution Manager > Aurena Native Apps > Configuration > Apps for Page Designer

I cannot see the exact order here.
Please refer the screeshot attached .


This could be related to the custom layer. It’s working in mobile but never managed to see the same behaviour in the web.

Please try a value like 999 to see that move your tile to the far back because as far as I can see ServiceEngApp’s  existing sort order goes more than 18 in the CORE layer. 


Bravo 🙂. You made  my day.
Yes, that was the issue. I tested with 999 and it works. Will try to find existing max value and and add 1 to that.

Many thanks.

Hi ​@GaSoGB ,

Can you let me know the steps to create new tiles in MWO Service via modification.


Thanks in Advance

cc ​@Naresh.u
