hello experts,
getting below error while trying to check the status with kubectl...any clue will be appreciated.
"kubectil get nodes "
getting error Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Sujeeth S
hello experts,
getting below error while trying to check the status with kubectl...any clue will be appreciated.
"kubectil get nodes "
getting error Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
Sujeeth S
Best answer by Sujeet Saxena
Thanks all for your help. we have identified the issue.
Since we were not using the default port 22 hence we have to update the .Json and .Psm1file..
where we put -Port 22022 instead of -P 22022 on Common.psm1 file ,after fixing this we were able to resolved the issue.
Below is the line which we fixed in common.psm1file
“ ssh -t -i $pvtKeyFilePath "-p 22022 “
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