Dear all
In a customer’s Mobile environment we have found, that datetime fields are no exposed visible on the screen, although they are available on the database. I thought the time zone was picked up by the client itself, but don’t know how to solve this. There has to be a solution obviously, as that error does not appear on different customer’s environment:
03/02/2022 06:42:45|ERROR|ConvertDateTimeFromUIToDB|2|EXCEPTION: Argument_TimeZoneNotFound. For more information, visit ... at SharedLibrary!<BaseAddress>+0x61e844
at IFS.FSMW.Architecture.Utilities.MetrixDateTimeHelper.ConvertDateToOppositeTimezone(DateTime dateValue, Boolean isDBToUI)
App Params, Client Scripts, Sync Rules have been aligned and match between both environments. Mobile app version is identical too.

Any hints on how this can be solved?
Please find attached also the full log of the client.
Best regards: