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1. Navigate to MRP Action proposals window> Query with

b. MRP Message: Early Order

c. Action taken: <>Action Taken


2. Select multiple MRP action proposal lines (More than 4) > RMB > Reschedule Early order according to MRP due date


numeric or value error: character string buffer too small

Server error messages: 0a1dfe23-0861-4a90-909d-e222f3515277


Do you have any idea why this occurs and how to resolve this?

The reported error “PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small” occurs when the assigned value exceeds the length of the variable.

the reported error probably occurs due to following reasons.


1. Variable length of local_attr_ in New & Modify methods of MRP_PART_ACTION_NOTE_API is 1000. The value assigned to the variable exceeds the mentioned length.-  This has been fixed in APP10 by increasing the variable length to 5000.

2. Variable length of po_attr_ and note_attr_ in Reschedule_According_To_Mrp of MRP_PART_ACTION_API is 2000.  The value assigned to the variable exceeds the mentioned length.-  This has been fixed in  IFSAPP10 by clearing any existing data of variable po_attr_ and note_attr during each iteration.
