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Hi Community,

we want to have part_no keys created automatically by the system.

One company is already using several ranges for parts in IFS Apps 10 today.

Now we need to develop a concept for Part_no ranges on a global level, which is usable for several sites. 


  • Using a sequence could provide a part_no which is already in use
  • should we put a prefix per company or simply one ascending number or a combination of both
  • how can IFS Apps support this setup? Or do we need to develop something?

How do other customers resolve this challenge?

Thank you for any feedback / proposals / sharing your concept :-)

Regards Martina



I have seen some customer have done a customization to address this automatic number sequencing for Part No field. 

At the moment you can enter any value in this field (characters and numbers). So your modification can be done in such way to generate a number to reflect the required information, just by looking at the Part No (e.g., Compnay_Site_SeqNumber). 

However,  if you are not in to a customization then another option you could try is using “Engineering Parts” window. There, when you create a new part and leave the Part No field empty the system will automatically generate a number for you.  After that, you can transfer this Engineering Part to Manufacturing side (i.e., Inventory Part record).

Does this clarify your question ?

Thank you Tharindu,

it helps a little bit…

I was able to find the sequence: ENG_PART_MASTER_SEQ

So if we decide to use it, we can start at a certain number.

But using the xml-Integration with IFSCONNECT, the part is not created without part_no.

But I have raised a Case for this issue.

Have a nice weekend :blush:

Regards Martina


I’ve done something like this as a report, where the part numbers were six-digit integers. This returns the part numbers which are available to use within a given range.

      SELECT TO_CHAR(LEVEL + range_.min_ - 1, 'FM000000') AS part_no
FROM (SELECT 100000 AS min_,
199999 AS max_
FROM DUAL) range_
CONNECT BY LEVEL <= range_.max_ - range_.min_ + 1
SELECT part_no
FROM part_catalog
SELECT part_no
FROM eng_part_master
SELECT part_no
FROM inventory_part
SELECT part_no
FROM purchase_part
ORDER BY part_no ASC



Thanks for the coding. Used it and for me it works great. Much appreciated that you shared it.
