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Customized field in Business opportunity


Hello, Friends

I have a problem in Relationship management module, I’ll describe it in the below:

We have some Customized field in Business opportunity page (follow the attached file) that prepared by our ERP developer team, How can we achieve to these fields in Business opportunities page (we want to bring them in Business opportunities columns) for preparing some analysis report and excel output.


Thanks guys

wish the best

12 replies

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 19 replies
  • June 13, 2023

it all depends on how you’d like to handle the possibility of 1:many relation between the Business Opportunities view and Opportunity Channel tab. 
If there were to be several rows in Opportunity Channel tab, belonging to one Business Opportunity, how would you like the data to be presented?

Hero (Customer)
  • Hero (Customer)
  • 78 replies
  • June 13, 2023

In technical terms, the requirement is quite simple to achieve. But, it requires the object mapping information to conclude the solution.

The easiest is to create a REFERENCE (read only) custom field on the Business Opportunities (BO) overview screen, to retrieve the opportunity channel value. 

Note : This will be a problem if one BO can contain more than one opportunity channel value. Then, you’ll need to LISTAGG the values (bit of an ugly solution but no other options).


Hope this helps.

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 77 replies
  • June 13, 2023

One could do a little parent-child with a custom entity table, where you add different rows for each read-only reference. If it’s for a report, and not active search on the Opportunity screen, I’d build the (quick) report directly with the left join showing those. No need to modify the standard screens for analysis reports. 

  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 15 replies
  • June 14, 2023
ELJO wrote:

it all depends on how you’d like to handle the possibility of 1:many relation between the Business Opportunities view and Opportunity Channel tab. 
If there were to be several rows in Opportunity Channel tab, belonging to one Business Opportunity, how would you like the data to be presented?

Hey there,

Thanks for your participation

According to your question, I want to appear in several columns, as a matter of fact we have maximum 2 rows in opportunity channel, for some business opportunity there isn’t any row and the opportunity channel going to be empty (It means that the opportunity was missed and didn’t link with any sales quotation and didn’t link to order), On the other hand some time we have just 1 row in opportunity channel (In this situation our business opportunity linked to quotation and send a performa for customer but at last the opportunity lost and didn't link to order) and finally in some cases we have 2 rows (here we create quotation and send a performa to customer and fortunately the business opportunity is won and we sold to customer).

In my point of view, we should design 8 columns in business opportunities for example add these: Customer No1, Customer No2, Customer Name1, Customer Name2, Channel type1, Channel type2, Refer type1 and Refer type2 (Please look at the Excel file that I attached)

I this way I think we can achieve opportunity channel in business opportunities.

I gonna be happy if share your opinions with me and give me a solution.


Wish the best

Good Luck

  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 15 replies
  • June 14, 2023
Manulak wrote:

In technical terms, the requirement is quite simple to achieve. But, it requires the object mapping information to conclude the solution.

The easiest is to create a REFERENCE (read only) custom field on the Business Opportunities (BO) overview screen, to retrieve the opportunity channel value. 

Note : This will be a problem if one BO can contain more than one opportunity channel value. Then, you’ll need to LISTAGG the values (bit of an ugly solution but no other options).


Hope this helps.


Thanks for your reply and solution

Would you please give me some information (or some helpful links) about REFERENCE and creating custom field in test version of IFS 

I’m an Industrial engineer and don’t have enough information about coding or programming science!

If possible give me a step by step guidance (by picture or links or etc.) for creating custom field in BO and retrieve them in business opportunities (transform them into columns). (Like an Excel file, I attached)


Good Luck

all the best

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 19 replies
  • June 14, 2023

first step is to know how to create custom fields. 
I may be able to provide you with the code for the fields but I can’t set them up in detail for you. Without a basic understanding for custom objects it will be hard for you to apply a solution in you environment. 

Here’s the IFS documentation for Custom Field creation:
IFS Cloud Technical Documentation

You should try out some of the instructions in a Test environment to create an understanding of the functions. 

  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 15 replies
  • June 14, 2023

One could do a little parent-child with a custom entity table, where you add different rows for each read-only reference. If it’s for a report, and not active search on the Opportunity screen, I’d build the (quick) report directly with the left join showing those. No need to modify the standard screens for analysis reports. 


I am grateful for your participation

I want to edit the Business opportunities (I mean to add some columns to it and at last get some Excel files as an output), please check the attached file.

Would you please help me about how can I retrieve those fields (Opportunity channels columns, according to the pictures that I attached) to business opportunities?!

*I emphasis that I’m an industrial engineer and don’t familiar with coding and programing.

 I’m gonna be happy if share your opinions with me and give me a solution and guidance.


Good luck

Wish the best



  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 15 replies
  • June 14, 2023
ELJO wrote:

first step is to know how to create custom fields. 
I may be able to provide you with the code for the fields but I can’t set them up in detail for you. Without a basic understanding for custom objects it will be hard for you to apply a solution in you environment. 

Here’s the IFS documentation for Custom Field creation:
IFS Cloud Technical Documentation

You should try out some of the instructions in a Test environment to create an understanding of the functions. 

Thanks, your link is very helpful, Sorry, Would you please share an exact link for Custom Field creation?

I gonna read it and if for you possible I’ll ask my questions and problems.


Wish the best

Sidekick (Customer)
  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 19 replies
  • June 14, 2023
ParsaHZM wrote:
ELJO wrote:

first step is to know how to create custom fields. 
I may be able to provide you with the code for the fields but I can’t set them up in detail for you. Without a basic understanding for custom objects it will be hard for you to apply a solution in you environment. 

Here’s the IFS documentation for Custom Field creation:
IFS Cloud Technical Documentation

You should try out some of the instructions in a Test environment to create an understanding of the functions. 

Thanks, your link is very helpful, Sorry, Would you please share an exact link for Custom Field creation?

I gonna read it and if for you possible I’ll ask my questions and problems.


Wish the best

Sorry, I thought I gave you a link leading straight to the custom field chapter, but it seems you cannot share exact URLs. 

To navigate to instructions for creating custom fields - look at this screen shot:


  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 15 replies
  • June 14, 2023
ELJO wrote:
ParsaHZM wrote:
ELJO wrote:

first step is to know how to create custom fields. 
I may be able to provide you with the code for the fields but I can’t set them up in detail for you. Without a basic understanding for custom objects it will be hard for you to apply a solution in you environment. 

Here’s the IFS documentation for Custom Field creation:
IFS Cloud Technical Documentation

You should try out some of the instructions in a Test environment to create an understanding of the functions. 

Thanks, your link is very helpful, Sorry, Would you please share an exact link for Custom Field creation?

I gonna read it and if for you possible I’ll ask my questions and problems.


Wish the best

Sorry, I thought I gave you a link leading straight to the custom field chapter, but it seems you cannot share exact URLs. 

To navigate to instructions for creating custom fields - look at this screen shot:


Thanks, I got it.

If I have some questions, I’ll ask.


Good luck

Michael Kaiser
Sidekick (Customer)

Hi Parsa,

just want to check, if I’m right about the following.
You start with a BO (related to one (!) customer or lead, but this must be a record in the customer area in IFS)

You have different “sales channels” you call “opportunity channels”.

Now you add another CustomerNo.
A second and so on.

Hmmm, this looks like you just want to “break” with the rule “one customer, one BO, one or more CustomerOrders, one or more CustomerInvoices”.
But I can easily follow your way of thoughts:
We do have a new product (line of products) and want to communicate that to as many customers as possible.

Normally you should create one BO for one customer and this would be 1:1 as Elin mentioned.

Just another idea?

Could it be possible to “clone” one BO into a list of BOs with a given list of customers?
You will stay in the BOL - OQL - COL- CIL line of data but you will have “semi - automated” creation of BOs.

Good luck.




  • Author
  • Sidekick
  • 15 replies
  • June 15, 2023
Michael Kaiser wrote:

Hi Parsa,

just want to check, if I’m right about the following.
You start with a BO (related to one (!) customer or lead, but this must be a record in the customer area in IFS)

You have different “sales channels” you call “opportunity channels”.

Now you add another CustomerNo.
A second and so on.

Hmmm, this looks like you just want to “break” with the rule “one customer, one BO, one or more CustomerOrders, one or more CustomerInvoices”.
But I can easily follow your way of thoughts:
We do have a new product (line of products) and want to communicate that to as many customers as possible.

Normally you should create one BO for one customer and this would be 1:1 as Elin mentioned.

Just another idea?

Could it be possible to “clone” one BO into a list of BOs with a given list of customers?
You will stay in the BOL - OQL - COL- CIL line of data but you will have “semi - automated” creation of BOs.

Good luck.




Hi, Michael

As a matter of fact we start with a Customer, (the customer at first must define) after creating a customer in Customer page, If our sales engineer (Sales man) get an Opportunity to Possiblistic sale, we create BO (Business Opportunity) in this step the Business Opportunity just define, next step we create SQ (Sales Quotation) which is related to BO an here we get an output from our SQ with price and delivery time in a formal structure and then send it to customer for decision making , if the customer decide to buy some products from us we create CO (Customer Order) and after that create a Shipment and finally Invoice and close.

A customer can have so many Business Opportunity,  pay attention to my example:

You are a Businessman (you are a customer for example) and build a lot of apartments, for your first apartment (e.g. T18) we create a BO (BO Number: 1801), for another apartment (e.g. Y04) we create another BO (BO Number: 1905) and so on.

As an conclusion we can link many BO to one customer.

Actually the Customer No in the header of the BO is different from the opportunity channel’s Customer No, take a look to my explanation in below:

The customer No in the header of the BO is the real customer that meybe buy or not from us.

But the customer No in Opportunity channel maybe is the same or not if we sold from our representative  in most city of our country then we add that’s No as an customer no (The number of our representative, we call this kind of sale as Market distribution sale ) , but if we sale directly to end-user (final customer, We call this kind of sale as Engineering sale like project sale) the customer number in header is the same as this one.


In my point of view we can transform every column in opportunity channel to BOS (Business Opportunities) we have 4 column in opportunity channel with maximum 2 rows (first state is: our BO after creation didn’t link to SQ and didn’t get any output to send for customer, second state is: we have one row that means our BO just link to SQ and unfortunately we miss the chance and can’t sell, the third state is: not only we create a SQ but also we create CO and sell to customer our products) so we must design 8 columns in BOS to cover every possiblistic data that maybe enter.

If my explanations is clear and enough give me feedback if I miss your point of view please describe more your idea for me to help.


Good luck

All the best

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