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Initialize as not applicable in Ref Doc limitation.

  • 28 September 2022
  • 6 replies


When engineering users flag N/A more than 20 A/C at same time on   INITIALIZE REF DOC page generates "error message", which is in fact a "message built by IFS due to technical limitations "URL exeeded the maximum lenght".

Please see attached doc

Does other airlines have the same experience?

If Yes, an IDEA could be raised to support a system improvement for Large fleet administration.



Hi Olivier,

This issue has been raised previously by a couple of other airlines as well, including KLM. As you’ve mentioned, this is a known limitation implemented into this feature by IFS. The suggestion is to initialize in groups smaller than 20. The internal ticket still remains in our Product Support team’s queue for their analysis.


Do Gooder (Customer)
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • September 29, 2022


This issue is linked to CS201308-18797. This issue is opened since 14/08/2013!

I do not see any change in this ticket.

Best regards


  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • September 29, 2022

Thank for your answer however this feedback is open since MTX 8.0 SP2 in 2013.

CS201308-18797 - Ref doc "Initialize as Not Applicable" url exceed max length error - 14/08/2013

Can you advise how evolution may be reviewed and prioritized in IFS community?

The process of reviewing, voting and selecting ideas is unclear for us.



In response to your question about the process of reviewing, voting and selecting an idea;
if you'd be interested in a change, the correct process would be to raise a new item in the Ideas section of the IFS community, so the community can vote on the idea and IFS can review it. Upvoting Ideas in IFS Community increases their priority. The upvote button can be seen in the Ideas Search page, as well as in the Idea page itself right below the topic. 

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • October 5, 2022

How to have an overview of people participating to the vote, as IFS employees, as IFS customers to determine amount required to have an idea taken into consideration?

Is a recap table of ideas selected, rejected or postponed available?

For the one selected the target Patch? 

Thank you


Hi Olivier,

I reached out to the relevant parties hadling these processes in IFS Community and here is what I found:
Ideas are ranked by business value, with voting providing some basic filtering.

The target patch is provided in SalesForce if the originating issue was raised there.

If the idea was raised directly in Community, it will be part of the comments we provide. The status of the idea will change to ‘Under Consideration’ then ‘Working on it’.

There is no recap table available that would list down all the Ideas and their statuses. 


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