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We are trying to find a way to clear the files from the temporary directory that are created when viewing files from within IFS. The reason is when the user goes to open another file from IFS it prompts to replace the file or not. Not a huge deal but when they are opening a number of files at once it is a bit annoying. 

In looking at the basic document settings I was wondering if overwrite files would remove the prompt. I am testing with a user.

That solved the prompt to replace file message, but now they would like the action popup to be removed. They never select anything, but just open the files. This is the prompt we would like to stop from showing.

Document type request.



You can configure the different options in that dialog per document class in the Document Class Process Action screen. Unfortunately you need to do this per class and per action (most of the time View is enough). Try it and see if that works for you.

And, by the way, the users can press the Enter/Return key to accept that dialog. For some, this might feel simpler than to click OK.


That was exactly what we were looking for. Thanks.
