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I’m looking for a place in IFS to store what tools/equipment specific engineers have possession of and record things such as calibration due dates against them. Tools and Facilities seems like the only relevant place but you can only assign to tool to a company and not a specific employee.


Any ideas would be appreciated.



I believe you are looking to assign tools/equipment to ‘Employees’ in IFS Application.


If so , You can use Property Filed Definition to define properties like this as map them to Employees, Organization, persons, Companies ETC.


Go to Property Filed Definition window and create a new entry with the context as Employee.

RMB and select ‘View property filed values’ and create the tool details.

Now you can map these details to the relevant employees in the Employment> Property Tab.



Hope this helps.


If you have multiple fields for the property you can use the multiple filed check box and define the details and map it to the employee’s ‘Multi Field’ tab. 



Shehan Almeida.

HR has got an employee equipment card section where Tools can be assigned, the tools listed here are those in the “Tools and Equipment” section of service maintenance and can therefore have calibration tasks etc assigned to them

HR has got an employee equipment card section where Tools can be assigned, the tools listed here are those in the “Tools and Equipment” section of service maintenance and can therefore have calibration tasks etc assigned to them

Thanks Richard - is this available in apps 9? If so could you please provide the pathway to this?

I cannot see this in my instance, so not sure if it’s not in apps 9 or I do not have the appropriate permissions for this.



Ah, there is the problem, think its in IFS 9 (path maybe slightly different) but its definitely in 10


If you do a search for “Equipment” you’ll see it if you have it… 

Thanks Richard,


it doesn’t look like I have the option or anything similar. 


Thanks anyway.

Hi Richard, would it be possible to post the exact path? Would be good to know if this is actually in core.

Additional remark: As far as I know this was an extension to Apps9.

I see Tools and Equipment, but I don’t see how you assign something on those screens to an employee.  Any suggestions?
