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We have several documents stored in the database.

Like this mail

Mail stored in the db with the consultant name Sebastian Zecho in it

Using the Standard Application Search, I can see that the necessary Search Domains are active

DocumentContent Search Domain


As well as all other document related search domains



But in the end, the search only displays a value for a certain document revision where you got the Name in the DocumentObjectConnection Search Domain. And I do not even get where this entry comes from as I am not able to find it. Seems like a mix between the mail object description and the title of the document revision


As I can see from here on the DEV and even on the customer environments, this logic does not seem to work. Even though nothing is displaying an error. No Background jobs are failing.


Seems to happen for all sorts of documents. 


Any ideas on that?

Kind regards


Hi @Mathias Dahl ,

Could you please let us know if anything to be setup in order to enable document content search. This works ok in standard environments. But not in customer environments. Following are the steps followed:

1.    Create a new document revision and check in a file with an example text. Ex: ‘Engineer’
2.    Go to search domains and make sure the all domains ‘DocumentAttributes, DocumentContent, DocumentObject’ are enabled and Not synchronized documents = 0
(RMB> Show details> Synchronize> Run the scheduled task)
3.    Now search for the word ‘Engineer’ on the search option at the top right of the screen
4.    Make sure to select all search domains including ‘DocumentAttributes, DocumentContent, DocumentObject’
5.    Note that no result is found

If results are available for DocumentAttributes, DocumentObject,  they are appearing, but not document content.

Much appreciate if you can kindly advise us on where we need to check in order to solve this in customer DEV.


Thanks in advance,

Best regards,


@Kemal Yasintha @KavishkaDabare 


I cannot explain why it doesn't work. All seems to be set up in the right way, and Tobias mentioned that the documents was stored in the Database repository I think.

I don't remember the names of the Oracle Text indexes that are created, but one idea might be to search in them directly with an SQL query.


Hi @Mathias Dahl,

When we searched oracle text indexes with the below query, it shows the related indexes for document content as well. Are there any other things that we can query to find the root cause?




You can try to search the index using the CONTAINS (as I remember it) SQL search operator. You need to find out what the column is in the table that is connected to the index though. I don't remember the column name now, but it is a bit unusual...


@Navinth Bakmeedeniya @chanaka-shanil 

Do you have any thoughts on this issue. It seems to work correctly in internal support environments, but doesn’t seem to work in the customers’ dev environment. 

Any ideas or any steps to further the investigation is welcome.

Best regards,


@Kemal Yasintha 

I saw now the column name in the screenshot above: it’s TEXT_CONTENT_ID$

Here is information on how to use the CONTAINS operator:

In the example there, replace the column name “text” with the one above.

Then you should be able to see if the index is wrong or not.


Hi @Mathias Dahl,

Created a document containing word ‘books’ and checked in, dropped the indexes, then build again, synchronized the SD as well, but when we search no data in customer dev. But there are hits in core environment. It seems CONTAINS does not work in dev. Can there be a specific reason for this? Is it an oracle issue?





@Kemal Yasintha 

Good test! It's a pity it does not work, but now you were able to remove on layer of uncertainty and can concentrate on solving the CONTAINS problem. You can forget about IEE, Enterprise Application Search and Search Domains, for now. I don't have any more advice to give though, then to google for ways to investigate Oracle Text problems. Perhaps the SD indexes are not correct after all? I would look for ways in Oracle to analyze those indexes in more detail.

Good luck!

@Kemal Yasintha  did you manage to solve this? we are facing the same issue in one of our customer environments

@SachinthaH  We are waiting for oracle support on this. I will update once there is a solution.

Has someone verified the Patch states of your “Test” environment and the standard “DEV” environment? I am talking about the Oracle Database.



The reference environment is on oracle 12.

The DEV and customer databases are on oracle 19.

That is why it worked on the reference environment. There is a bug in Oracle 19 regarding this topic and nobody encountered it as it seems.


After several attempts it was possible to setup a new Server and install oracle and IFS there to check if certain patches will help.

Installed patches from the beginning (same as on customer server)


List of patches provided by oracle

these should be installed. 

Verification by support thus providing patches as follows:

Accordingly, for patches, 28092783, 31805812, and 32841689 I have added the patch 33575656 as it’s accumulated. -->



Patch 31292951 already in the database. could be skipped.

28092783    => available in 33575656

31805812    => available in 33575656

32841689    => available in 33575656

Thus, applying 33575656

Afterwards tried to apply 32454339 but it is not needed.

Now, the only info in doing lsinventory is following patch
Patch  33575656     : applied on Fri Jun 17 19:03:05 IST 2022
Unique Patch ID:  24640244

With this setup and a working IFS Environment we could confirm that this patch scenario solved the issue with document content searches on oracle 19

Documents are now properly searched and the values are displayed in the search.


Creation of new document revisions including document with text Engineer Book Word

Synchronized all documents


And now searching the value Engineer is displaying the documents