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Dear Community!

Passwords for IFSAPP, IFSSYS, IFSADMIN and IFSPRINT had been changed on the system.


After this, the MainServer tells me the following

"fndbasXA_main": ORA-28000: The account is locked


Which account is this? As I can see from the DB, no IFS necessary accounts are locked.


I already restarted the MainServer and then the whole IFS MWS.
No change.

Which account is this??? There is no hint for that.

Kind regards


The IFSSYS gets locked


But why? 
The user password had been set in the database. Where to set this properly?


Please check on 

APPS 10 IFSSYS password | IFS Community


Hi @Technical Toby,

I am assuming even though the password is correctly set in the database, it is not updated in Middlware Server configuration. Have you tried updating the IFSSYS password from IFS MWS Admin Console? 

Edit: I see you have already found the solution while I was typing this. :)

Change the IFSSYS Password using the admin console.

If you did it in the DB only, you will face the same situation as here.

Undo the password change, reset it via admin console and then, it should work fine.

Hi @Charith Epitawatta 

I wanted to point out the solution based on the error. As the error itself had not been noted down before.

Thanks for your assistance :)