we couldn’t find any documentation either, but we solved the issue by concatenating wild cards instead of having it in the same text. We recently upgraded to Apps10 UPD18 (from UPD7)
QR SQL BEFORE the parameter was in use (also works with parameter set to “NO”)
SELECT (SELECT ora_database_name
FROM dual) AS "Instance",
t.identity AS "User Id",
t.description AS "User Description",
ur.role AS "End User Role Id",
ifsapp.fnd_role_api.Get_Description(ur.role) AS "End User Role Description",
t.active AS "Active"
FROM ifsapp.fnd_user t,
ifsapp.fnd_user_role ur
WHERE t.identity = ur.identity(+)
AND t.identity LIKE '%&User_Id%'
AND t.description LIKE '%&User_Description%'
AND ur.role LIKE '%&End_User_Role_Id%'
AND t.active LIKE '%&Active%'
ORDER BY t.identity
QR SQL AFTER, when the new parameter is in use (Enable bind variables for SQL Quick Reports in IFS EE set to “YES”)
SELECT (SELECT ora_database_name
FROM dual) AS "Instance",
t.identity AS "User Id",
t.description AS "User Description",
ur.role AS "End User Role Id",
ifsapp.fnd_role_api.Get_Description(ur.role) AS "End User Role Description",
t.active AS "Active"
FROM ifsapp.fnd_user t,
ifsapp.fnd_user_role ur
WHERE t.identity = ur.identity(+)
AND t.identity LIKE '%' || &User_Id || '%'
AND t.description LIKE '%' || &User_Description || '%'
AND ur.role LIKE '%' || &End_User_Role_Id || '%'
AND t.active LIKE '%' || &Active || '%'
ORDER BY t.identity
Kind regards,
Did you have any with Parameters in the Group By?
We use this to help provide ‘summery’ report so if not Y then will display null and group say by supplier.
Tearing what is left of my hair out over it.
After UPD 17, A system parameter ‘SQL Quick Reports bind variables enabled' which is default set to 'YES’ is introduced to prevent SQL injection and If a possible SQL query that can lead to SQL injection will gives an error when executing in Quick report as the system parameter is turned ON.
So, as the workaround the SQL query must be changed or need to change the system parameter value to 'NO' if the query needs to be executed as it is designed.
Here updates the documentation regarding the system parameter in the APP10 documentation in IFS Cloud Technical Documentation under reporting category and mention this under known limitation in https://docs.ifs.com/techdocs/Foundation1/040_administration/320_system_parameters/default.htm quick report page.