Hi All,
I want to deploy a very simple application that lists part numbers.
It talks to IFS10
To fulfill this task I wrote following code in VB.Net (written in blue below) - point is to fetch data from IFS10 and write it into data grid view on user form.
On execution I am getting error message: FndServerFaultException: Expectingto delimiter but found character code 69
Can you please help me to sort out the root cause or give me an advice what needs to be amended?
Private Sub Button_Click_1(sender As Object, e As RoutedEventArgs)
Dim queryStr As String
Dim IFSconn As New Global.Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.FndConnection
Dim query As New Global.Ifs.Fnd.AccessProvider.PLSQL.FndPLSQLSelectCommand
Dim response As New Global.Ifs.Fnd.Data.FndDataTable
Dim dumy As New Global.Ifs.Fnd.Buffer.FndBuffer
Dim dumyRows As New Global.Ifs.Fnd.Data.FndDataRowCollection
Dim dumyRow As New Global.Ifs.Fnd.Data.FndDataRow
IFSconn.ConnectionString = ("https://host:port")
IFSconn.SetCredentials(userId_, psd_)
IFSconn.CatchExceptions = False
IFSconn.InteractiveMode = False
IFSconn.UseCompression = False
IFSconn.CompatibilityMode = True
queryStr = " SELECT part_no FROM INVENTORY_PART "
query.Connection = IFSconn
query.CommandText = queryStr
End Sub
Many thanks,