I have made an event that throws an error message to the user, using the error_sys.record_general function, based on some criteria set in the event, which triggers on a change in the status of the object.
error_sys.record_general( 'SomeLogicUnit', 'SOMEERRORMSG: this is an error message');
I am in the process of creating another event that will change the status of the object, but I am wondering if it is possible to catch the exception raised in the other event, and handle it separately?
Without handling the event, and running the event manually in a DBMS, the procedure completes, but returns
ORA-20110: SomeLogicUnit.SOMEERRORMSG: this is an error message
My event would look something like this:
--change status on object, which may cause an error to be raised in the other event
-- handle the exception raised from the other event
If I specify “EXCEPTION WHEN others THEN … “ I will catch the error raised in the other event, but I won’t know the source of the error, or the error itself for that matter. Is there a way for me to handle that specific error, or would I have to declare and raise the error in the source event manually?