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Error in IFS Order report in CWS


After developing the report it is deployed into the report server successfully. When I preview the report it shows the following error

And the LOG of CWS says the following

[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[OpenReport] File Name : en\XEmployeeList.rpt
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetAppSetting] Get the value for OpenReportPath from Web.config.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[OpenReport] The file D:\IFS\CrystalReports\PROD\en\XEmployeeList.rpt is found
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetSavedPDFReport] Exporting the report in PDF format.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetSavedPDFReport] File Name : XEmployeeList.rpt
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Loading data from ifs-crystal-config.XML
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Decrypting Password : CgQIv/WWFbfSfmkbaSx5v2G/sw==
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Starting the Command Prompt process for decryption.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Ending the CMD process.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Decrypted.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Decrypting Password : CgQIpOaSXbGxxso2SWAX4Xo48mJslG6DGQjv
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Starting the Command Prompt process for decryption.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Ending the CMD process.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[DecryptPassword] Decrypted.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Retrieved Information from XML : DBUser-IFSSYS DBPassword-******* PrintUser-IFSPRINT PrintPassword-******* DBServerName-prod AppOwner-IFSAPP IALOwner-IFSINFO
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetDbInfoFromXml] Loading completed.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[base64Decode] for NTE3MTI=

[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[base64Decode] Decoded successfully.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetSavedPDFReport] Result Key : 51712 ,LangCode = en
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[GetAppSetting] Get the value for OpenReportPath from Web.config.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[LoadInfoServiceReport] Loading infoServe report : D:\IFS\CrystalReports\PROD\en\XEmployeeList.rpt
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[LoadInfoServiceReport] DBUser = IFSPRINT ,DBPassword : ******* ,DBServerName : prod ,AppOwner : IFSAPP
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[LoadInfoServiceReport] Setting up logon information for each database object.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[SetTableLocation] Set appropriate post-fixes for X_EMPLOYEE_LIST_RPT
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-[SetDatabaseLocation] Generating fully qualified database object name for X_EMPLOYEE_LIST_RPT

[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-ERROR in [LoadInfoServiceReport] Error in loading infoServices report.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-Logon failed. Error in File XEmployeeList 3768_3876_{36DB69D7-5E87-482B-AF8A-F4D257F32A1C}.rpt:
Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.   at CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.DatabaseControllerClass.SetTableLocation(ISCRTable CurTable, ISCRTable NewTable)
   at CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table.set_Location(String value)
   at Ifs_ReportService.SetDatabaseLocation(String databaseLocation, Table table) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1638
   at Ifs_ReportService.SetTableLocation(Table crTable, String UserId, String AppOwner, String IALOwner) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1615
   at Ifs_ReportService.LoadInfoServiceReport(String path, String DBUser, String DBPassword, String DBServerName, String AppOwner) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 1433
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-ERROR in [GetSavedPDFReport] Error in exporting the report in PDF format.
[IFSCRWebSetup_PROD]-Object reference not set to an instance of an object.   at Ifs_ReportService.GetSavedPDFReport(String FileName, String ParameterValues, String LangCode) in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\IFSCRWebSetup_PROD\App_Code\Service.cs:line 285


Can anyone gudide me what is the cause of this error and how to resolve this.

Thanks in advance.




10 replies

Rusiru Dharmadasa
Superhero (Employee)

Error suggests the username, password, or TNS used to login to database was incorrect. Go to ifshome/instance/<instance name>/ and find the crystal installation bundle - Take the ifs-crystal-config.xml and replace it in your crystal web service installation. Make sure to correct the TNS their as well.

  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • October 6, 2020

Dear @Rusiru 

Already other report are running using the same username and password. It showing the problem in a newly developed report

Rusiru Dharmadasa
Superhero (Employee)

if its username/password issue it must affect all the reports. Only difference is we use IFSSYS for quick reports and IFSPRINT for info services reports. So there can be quick reports working but not info services reports because IFSPRINT password is incorrect. Anyway its worth to check the steps I have mentioned. Can you check whether you have logs that suggests a same kind of report works successfully in here? 

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 11 replies
  • August 18, 2021

Hi @banti_khaza ,


Hope you are doing good. Were you able to find a solution for your crystal error. Am facing the same issue on APP9 after creating the TEST environment with a copy of PROD.

"Serverifs.fnd.base.FndTranslatableText@153a1fd4Server was unable to process request. ---> Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

Please let me know if you came across a solution.



  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • August 18, 2021

Hi @Kavindu911,

Yes I resolved the problem 10 months ago.  

  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 11 replies
  • August 18, 2021

Hi @banti_khaza , Will you be able to let me know the steps you have taken. 


Many Thanks


  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • August 18, 2021

Hi @Kavindu911,

Before that can you please show me your steps taken to deploy the report


  • Sidekick (Customer)
  • 11 replies
  • August 18, 2021

Hi @banti_khaza , 


I got this error after deploying a TEST server with a RMAN db copy of PROD. 

We get the exact same error when running the operational reports (Order Reports) which has a crystal layout. 

Crystal reports in quick report format are working fine and everything is working fine on PROD environment. 

We have already given access to IFSPRINT as well. 




  • Author
  • Do Gooder (Customer)
  • 7 replies
  • August 19, 2021

Hi @Kavindu911,

After Db copy please check Test environment system parameter is Ok or not. 

IFSPRINT need access to report table as Grantable.  

Kusal Gunathilake
Do Gooder (Partner)

Hi ​@banti_khaza ,

Thank you for your reply. I also faced the same issue on APPS 08 Crystal Report and resolved it after granting permission to IFSPRINT.

Kusal Gunathilake.


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